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You have all been duped.

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posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 03:23 AM
i have not been back for awile lol, wile i only read 1/2 of this long thread, and
do not think that frosty, ment it to be anything more then a jab at people,
i would like to say that i find all the people who posted here cool, even if i don't agrey
with you , this is the reason i came to ats, for i know of no other place that
people try this hard to find the answers to a ? , like the ufo topic, it's really great thanks
everyone !hopefully i finish reading this tomorrow.
we should all try to find out the truth, no matter who's right. keep looking
and talking.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 07:19 AM

you just making your and everyone else's claims of the existence of aliens (which has no tangible evidence) sound more and more laughable

Incorrect again.

Tangible evidence includes many photos, videos, documents, even samplings of materials that although appearing to be manmade, seem to be beyond our current abilities... Sure, you may not believe all are "good" evidence (and many aren't), but that is still a far cry above and beyond "NO" tangible evidence.

There is plenty of evidence, you are simply ignoring it.

IF the phenomenon was created JUST to coverup secret aircraft, then they wouldn't have pursued projects like Grudge and Sign in secret. It's as simple as that. Why would you private investigate something you yourself are responsible for? Simple. You wouldn't.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 07:23 AM
December 13, 2504

Sorry about the date in my post. I turned my computer clock back 500 years, to 2004, just to see what happens.

Here is irrefutable evidence that UFO's are real! I found this image on the database dated to the late 1960�s. I also compared it to a pre-Columbian sculpture and the resemblance is obviously more than just coincidence! What makes this especially interesting, and obviously factual, is that the alien is seen speaking to a MIB!

They seem to be studying plans for fiber optic cable, well before it was in commercial use. In fact, our research shows that engineers would never have thought of transmitting signals as pulses of light. The only pulsating signals ever devised where by Alexander G. Bell, and have nothing to do with progress. We also have research that shows that role playing enthusiasts were the real innovators of the time, not scientists.

Notice the unusual, and obviously, inhuman proportions of his shoulders, and the star on the helmet, clearly identifying him as an alien being from another dementia.

One thing that is particularly outstanding is that in some of the other photos from the time, it was not uncommon to see their cigar shaped ships flying in the background!

Well, I guess we settled that issue. Didn�t we?

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 10:06 AM
Wow, great photo of Ptah from Pleides!!!

Now they know you have this proof, you better run!!!

Seriously...not helping, hehe...

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 10:32 AM
I could submit several artisitc randitions of 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th century etc..... paintings, all the way too todays local tattoo parlor of well-painted pictures of Dragons. Does that mean there are dragons hiding amongst us somewhere or signifigant proof that they ever existed. Also, its not out of the question for governments to conspire to create conspirecys that dont exist if it works to there favor.
Ask your self, would you want to meet with Extraterrestrials that would allow themselves to be queitly kept hidin in the background from the planets masses. What kind of message are they sending.....Too suggest that a galactic federation capable of signifigant space travel would let our or any government control there agenda, would be very graciuos on there part, or extremely nieve.
(IMO, that would be the only reason why they wouldnt just show themselves on a bright sunny day. They would eventually meet those who represented the masses.)

Those who want to believe, are looking for something.
You dont need to leave this planet to find it.
And you surely wont find it from something not looking for you. (an assumtion, I know what they say, nontheless, they havent tried to show themselves to the public on a grand scale, which i think could easily be achieved if that is there intention.)
Because if they had found you, I betcha none of us would even
bother wasting our breathe discussing this thread at this site.
"Cheers" song--
"You wanna go where everybody knows your name,
troubles are all the same,
You wanna go where everybody knows your name"

ps im not trying to offend anyone, for i have my own demons and questions, hence, my effection for this site, however the questions you have for alians and about this universe will ultimtley lead to more, and more, questions.
In the end you should be happy with just BEING, and for me I hope I get realize this is all fun SCI-FI and entertainment, and get back into the church.

I wont believe till i can shake ones hand and then still i will be a little skeptical.

Anyone reading this, thanks for letting me vent and i will stick to reading and not discussing cause there are some real intellects on this site who could rival plato and socretes in a philosophical debate.
I am an admirer.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 11:43 AM

I could submit several artisitc randitions of 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th century etc..... paintings, all the way too todays local tattoo parlor of well-painted pictures of Dragons. Does that mean there are dragons hiding amongst us somewhere or signifigant proof that they ever existed. Also, its not out of the question for governments to conspire to create conspirecys that dont exist if it works to there favor.

An interesting angle.

However, the original post stated the idea that the government manufactured the UFO phenomenon. Since we've shown that UFOs have been depicted (whether real or not), prior to the use of the phenomenon as an alleged cover, we can correctly surmise that no, the government did not manufacture the phenomenon. It doesn't mean that they aren't using it, but they didn't make it. Much as I might use a toaster, even though I've never made one.

As for the dragon comparison. We don't have photos and videos of dragons. Nor do we have eyewitness testimony in the thousands. We don't have top military brass or scientists testifying to their sightings. We don't have government documents supporting the existence of dragons. Nor do we have (that I know of) government projects devoted to the study of the dragon phenomenon. We do of course, have all of this in regards to the subject we're discussing, therefore the comparison is akin to apples and oranges...

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 11:47 AM

Too suggest that a galactic federation capable of signifigant space travel would let our or any government control there agenda, would be very graciuos on there part, or extremely nieve.

Well what if there agenda is similar to that of governments in that they dont want disclosure to the public becuase of some "greator purpose." The government could just be doing their bidding. I'm sure they are not letting the governments control them.

I wont believe till i can shake ones hand and then still i will be a little skeptical.

So would you deny Bush if he said, "aliens exist. The major governments of the world have been working with them for a long time." And then he took a question and answer session. How can you still deny the existence?

Bottom line from reading all these threads and from what I have been following with this whole UFO phenomenon, this is what I conclude....

UFO's exist. Military or extraterrestrial, can be debated amongst disbelivers and believers. However, there are top secret planes that can move at high rates in our atmosphere. The amount of UFO evidence just keeps building up. You have abductees with implants taken out of their bodies, former government workers, ufo evidence analyzed by experts. We also have actual UFO evidence of possible debree!!!!!!! I've posted that link many times before and no debunkers have offered to debunk it. Why??? Becuase its been scientifically tested to disprove it is not of Earth origin.


posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 12:25 PM
We have all this eveidence, yet there is still a debate? Why? I could just as easily provide evidence that santa exists, and could state that all those pics are of his sleigh. If it was so cut and dry, then why the cover up. If you were an alien culture why agree to be coverd up.
I heard on this site some where, that space travel requires great techknowlegy, (duh). That tech has to be harnessed, and I imagine the users of that power would have to have journeyed along the roads we are now traveling. The bumps we endure, they have traversed and come throgh it unscaved, well apperently, for the ufo buffs. Agian, speculation, and hopefully, keen logic and sound reasoning, would mean that a race embracing peace and harmony and an all for one attitude, would make it to the level of space travel. A planet that is waring amongst itself, i would think, would destroy itself with space travel tech long before it put it to practice. And agian I cant see them choosing one group to speak for the entire world, specially when they see us fighting all the time.
If there the Klingons then, well, I guess Im wrong and srry.

Funny, that with all the evidence we can only speculate, well 95% of us, the other 5% know, right ufo buffs.

To the individual stating apples to oranges, how is that. Surely someone didnt just manifest the 1st dragon ever from the whims of there imagination, and then everyone else use that as a catalyst to start imposing there view of what a dragon looks like.
if so,
why not the ufo phenom.
As for photos, anyone fimilar with this site, knows that they can be manipulated and faked. Even old photos. Con-artist, practical jokes, SPITE, and the lonely fools have been around for long times, and with sure will and determination one can look to beat or take advantage of the system.

Ask Barnum and Bailey, and the bearded lady, and the unicorn.

Rember someone made the 1st dragon, and thus it was implanted in the minds of all who saw it. From there it took off. Now, would it be more believable if i said i saw a ufo or a dragon?


So which would be easier to get you to buy into!

Urgo, all your pics and sightings and abduction cases and the likes.
Ill bet if we had more condors and much larger eagles, people would see those dragons, and would attribute many a child abduction to them

Of course all this is speculation.

Uh oh a dragon is coming

[edit on 13-12-2004 by CrossBone]

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 12:32 PM
Kyatelaboca, which link, id love to see it, is it vid? also is there choice of wmp, cause i dont have realplayer?

nevermind i found it but i cant play it

[edit on 123131p://331212 by instar]

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 03:48 PM

Thats the link, but if you cant play it, I'll summarize for you what the 5 min video talked about. Its from a UFO documentary on the Sci Fi channel. A piece of metal was obtained(pics were shown of this metal). This metal supposedly came from Roswell. Tests were done on it from 3 different laboratories and showed that the piece of metal was 99% silicon. However, the silicon contained ratios of isotopes that were NOT of earthly origin and impossible to put together.

Now if you know a little about elemental ratios, they have to exact in accordance to that of earth, otherwise they are not of earthly origin. In addition, the trace elements, also had isotopic ratios out of the ordinary. The metal had different properties, if you dip it in fairly cold water, the metal would get so cold that you could get frost byte(I got that from the coast to coast interview) from holding it. The opposite is true by dipping into hot tea.

Also, the owners of the metal tried to set up a UFO conference for this metal. Some "producer" was responsible for hosting it. It turns out that 2 men wearing suits with PROPER IDENTIFICATION came to that producer's office and told him that there is no UFO press conference and that metal is just an ordinary piece of silicon and there was no press conference website. The website had also crashed(which was responsible for setting up the conference). So the UFO press conference never happened.

Bottom line is, that metal had completely different isotopic ratios which are impossible to put together here on earth. Other tests concluded that the metal could have subjected to a million degrees temperature. I dont know a place where we can do that here on earth.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 04:02 PM
Would you possibly think, that out of this WHOLE universe that goes on and on and on forever, that WE,,humans and the animals that roam the Earth, are the ONLY intelligent LIFE FORMS ?? Think about it, there could possibly be nothing bigger than the whole entire universe,,there is obviously something out there, any maybe something more intelligent than us wanting to learn less intelligent things ??

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 04:52 PM
[edit on 15-12-2004 by intrepid]

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 06:20 PM
i wonder if there are other humans just like us in the universe?

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 06:21 PM
i wonder if there are other humans just in the universe in far distand galaxies?

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by CrossBone

Rember someone made the 1st dragon, and thus it was implanted in the minds of all who saw it. From there it took off. Now, would it be more believable if i said i saw a ufo or a dragon?


So which would be easier to get you to buy into!

Urgo, all your pics and sightings and abduction cases and the likes.
Ill bet if we had more condors and much larger eagles, people would see those dragons, and would attribute many a child abduction to them

Of course all this is speculation.

Uh oh a dragon is coming

[edit on 13-12-2004 by CrossBone]

While we are no doubt on the same page, CrossBone, when you talk about UFO's, I gotta mention there is an easy way to explain the presence of dragon images in historical images: dinosaur bones.

People have been finding these bones for centuries, you don't have to be a paleontogist.

Tell you what, if we can be shown bones from ancient aliens that paleontogists have determined are the genuine artifact, THAT would go a long way towards convincing the skeptics among us that UFO visitation is a fact.

Along with a cover story in Science and National Geographic.


posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Frosty
Aliens and UFOs are nothing more than government fabricated lies to divert your attention away from its experimental military aircraft...and you all bought it and are soaking in it. Isn't it ironic that the government who created the UFO phenomena is being blamed for UFO coverups? You people are hillarious and do not realize to the extent that you have been manipulated. There are government officials who have been laughing at you for the past 50 years.

yeah, i've known this since day one. actually the military arent the only ones flying saucers and beamships. mr. Bush sr. also likes to travel in the mark 4 cross dimensional discoid. why do you think his house in kennybunkport is mounted right on the sea?

i think that anyone who follows along with alien conspiracy is trapped inside the screen of their televsion set.


posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 08:38 PM
prove that.


posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 11:19 PM

i think that anyone who follows along with alien conspiracy is trapped inside the screen of their televsion set.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Are you saying that their are too many overwhelming conspiracy theories and disinformation that we dont know what to believe any more. So if anyone keeps following it, then they are actually doing more harm to their own health rather than good.

Or are you saying that...

Every sighting, government worker/witness, link for actual metallic evidence I provided, doctors who have taken out implants is all a lie and its fake/imagination? Thats not likely.

Or are you implying other?

I'll agree with you on the first option, but if you meant the second option then please provide proof that all this is a lie, and the witnesses and other evidence is all fake.

The problem with humans is that we always want to be right regardless and do not want something to violate our personal belief system. I once made a thread where I stated that even if we have official disclosure, there will still be people denying themselves of the truth. And guess what? I was right. I saw one person here post that even if he shook hands with an alien, he would still be skeptical.

I said this once and I'll say it again, the BURDEN IS NOW ON THE SKEPTIC TO FALSIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ET.

[edit on 13-12-2004 by kyateLaBoca]

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 07:05 AM

To the individual stating apples to oranges, how is that. Surely someone didnt just manifest the 1st dragon ever from the whims of there imagination, and then everyone else use that as a catalyst to start imposing there view of what a dragon looks like.

No, not from imagination. Many mythological beasts can be traced back to incorrect identification of fossils by ancients. Just as dinosaur fossils are unearthed today by storms, floods, etc., they were in ancient times as well. Now, imagine a simple sheep herder stumbling upon the unearthed fossilized skeleton of a huge reptile... Further, imagine similar unearthings of various reptiles all over the world throughout history. Thus you have the diversity within the dragon's folklore. My apples and oranges comment (and it's subsequent explanation, which was for some reason ignored), will thus be stated again. We didn't have photos, video, gun camera footage, government documents, government investigations, top level military officers testifying to their existence, etc. We DO have this for UFOs, so again....apples and oranges, by the sheer weight of evidence.

As for photos, anyone fimilar with this site, knows that they can be manipulated and faked. Even old photos. Con-artist, practical jokes, SPITE, and the lonely fools have been around for long times, and with sure will and determination one can look to beat or take advantage of the system.

No doubt. And such individuals damage the field incredibly. However, if even ONE photo, video, document, etc. is true (and many certainly appear to be), then the issue remains, as well as it's reality. Though a believer myself, I'm often on the lookout for the charlatans such as Meier, Adamski, etc. who set back the field years and years. For me, the fascination lies with those little tidbits that seem to corrolate from various different sources, all saying the same thing.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by PKD

i think that anyone who follows along with alien conspiracy is trapped inside the screen of their televsion set.

How odd..I have always thought that someone that can't see the possibility, is trapped inside their own minds, unable to see past closed curtains

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