posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 02:09 PM
originally posted by: Springer
If you want to know why your post was actioned all you need to do is ask the staffer who actioned it via PM. I would suggest being polite and
genuinely interested in the reason rather than seeking to argue about it. That said, were only human and certainly do make mistakes so, if your post
was mistakenly actioned use the Complaint feature so the entire staff can have a look.
Easy Peasy.
MR Springer on my time here at ATS i have always tried my hardest to be polite to the other members and staff and like this site because you do not
get the childish posting that you see at other [ names redacted ] sites
As i stated earlier what i think off as funny [ pictures normally ] at 2 am after some falling over water
can get you the ban hammer .
Why not introduce ban's that are not permanent if you have been a member with a reasonable amount of posts
1 week or 1 month etc , one of those childish sites that i spoke off has a ban list that shows who was banned and why and if it is permanent or not
It is SAD to see some members vanish when you do not know why
That is my 2 cents sir on how i could improve ATS
p.s how about letting the members [ stroke nutters ] run the asylum for 1 day a year for fun our day out so to speak