posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 02:48 PM
I'm positng this link for everyone that may be interested in the content of Naomi 'Shock Doctrine' Klein's new book "This Changes Everything".
It is an extended interview with Ms Klein on Democracy Now that nicely summarizes the extensive research (five years) that went into the work. The
interview is about 30 mins long but well worth watching if only to decided whether or not to read the book.
Here understanding of the systemics of the climate crisis we are facing is profound and most of the 'mulitple small scale solutions' she presents
are not radical at all. She talks about geoengineering as being the radical but preferred solution to big business as being 'insane'.
She makes the concept of 'Climate Debt' (which she is at pains to remind us is NOT an economic debt) easily understandable and casigates Western
Industrial Power for their willful misunderstanding and how that exacerbates the problem globally.
It's a very informative interiew whether you agree with her or not.
I can't embed the video as it's not a You Tube one but here is the direct link to the source, Democracy Now: