posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 07:31 AM
I am so very sorry for your loss. Your connection with your sweet Lynnea continues beyond the threads of time into that great Reunion. I have no
As a mother of a child with a life threatening heart defect, our family faced the strong possibility that we would lose our youngest son in his first
few days of life. Narrowly, after open heart surgery, he survived. We were blessed to have that option, as frightening as it was.
One thing we brought ourselves to during that experience was the thought that we are all just passing through this world, and our souls get everything
we need for our growth, no matter the length of our lives; it truly is the depth that matters. The depth of love your sweet granddaughter brought to
your family is so beautiful. It spreads out from you like wings.
My thoughts are with you in your remembrance of her.
- AB