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The magician and his sheep...

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posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:49 AM

The Magician and his Flock (Fragments: 219)

"There is an Eastern tale that speaks about a very rich magician who had a great many sheep. But at the
same time this magician was very mean. He did not want to hire shepherds, nor did he want to erect a fence
about the pasture where the sheep were grazing. The sheep consequently often wandered into the forest, fell
into ravines and so on, and above all, they ran away, for they knew that the magician wanted their flesh and
their skins, and this they did not like.

"At last the magician found a remedy. He hypnotized his sheep and suggested to them, first of all, that they
were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned; that on the contrary, it
would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master
who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place,
he suggested that if anything at all were going to happen to them, it was not going to happen just then, at any
rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it. Further, the magician suggested to his
sheep that they were not sheep at all; to some of them he suggested that they were lions, to some that they
were eagles, to some that they were men, to others that they were magicians.

"After this all his cares and worries about the sheep came to an end. They never ran away again, but quietly
awaited the time when the magician would require their flesh and skins.

"This tale is a very good illustration of man's position."

Now I ask you to guess who represents the magician and who represents the sheep...

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:51 AM
It's an excellent parable that I found today..

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 08:39 AM
I'm on a finding spree today!!!

I just found this. I'm going to read it when I gte the time though :

The Battle for Your Mind
by Dick Sutphen

Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques

Being Used On The Public Today

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 08:58 AM
Totally and completely awesome!

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 09:43 AM
Another quote,

The more we find out about how human beings work through today's highly advanced technological research, the more we learn to control human beings. And what probably scares me the most is that the medium for takeover is already in place. The television set in your livingroom and bedroom is doing a lot more than just entertaining you.

Before I continue, let me point out something else about an altered state of consciousness. When you go into an altered state, you transfer into right brain, which results in the internal release of the body's own opiates: enkephalins and Beta-endorphins, chemically almost identical to opium. In other words, it feels good...and you want to come back for more.

Recent tests by researcher Herbert Krugman showed that, while viewers were watching TV, right-brain activity outnumbered left-brain activity by a ratio of two to one. Put more simply, the viewers were in an altered trance more often than not. They were getting their Beta-endorphin "fix."

To measure attention spans, psychophysiologist Thomas Mulholland of the Veterans Hospital in Bedford, Massachusetts, attached young viewers to an EEG machine that was wired to shut the TV set off whenever the children's brains produced a majority of alpha waves. Although the children were told to concentrate, only a few could keep the set on for more than 30 seconds!

Most viewers are already hypnotized. To deepen the trance is easy. One simple way is to place a blank, black frame every 32 frames in the film that is being projected. This creates a 45-beat-per-minute pulsation perceived only by the subconscious mind--the ideal pace to generate deep hypnosis.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Another quote,

The more we find out about how human beings work through today's highly advanced technological research, the more we learn to control human beings. And what probably scares me the most is that the medium for takeover is already in place. The television set in your livingroom and bedroom is doing a lot more than just entertaining you.

Before I continue, let me point out something else about an altered state of consciousness. When you go into an altered state, you transfer into right brain, which results in the internal release of the body's own opiates: enkephalins and Beta-endorphins, chemically almost identical to opium. In other words, it feels good...and you want to come back for more.

Recent tests by researcher Herbert Krugman showed that, while viewers were watching TV, right-brain activity outnumbered left-brain activity by a ratio of two to one. Put more simply, the viewers were in an altered trance more often than not. They were getting their Beta-endorphin "fix."

To measure attention spans, psychophysiologist Thomas Mulholland of the Veterans Hospital in Bedford, Massachusetts, attached young viewers to an EEG machine that was wired to shut the TV set off whenever the children's brains produced a majority of alpha waves. Although the children were told to concentrate, only a few could keep the set on for more than 30 seconds!

Most viewers are already hypnotized. To deepen the trance is easy. One simple way is to place a blank, black frame every 32 frames in the film that is being projected. This creates a 45-beat-per-minute pulsation perceived only by the subconscious mind--the ideal pace to generate deep hypnosis.

I knew about some "hypnotizing" tricks used by commercials, but this one freaked me out

By the way, do you know that one "remembers" almost everything what he/she was listening to just after he/she got awake. The most annoying are radio commercial tunes - you cannot get rid of them for quite long time...

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 11:05 AM
The downside to that experiment is in that it is missing the frames/sec figure.
What are the frames/sec on most projectors? If someone knows, then I suspect that it is possible to emulate this through a TV signal.(The setup wouldn't be expensive, just a tad complicated; u2u me if your curious)

If it helps the NTSC standard(U.S./Canada/Japan) for Television and TV based devices operate at 29.97 frames/sec. I don't recall the figure for PAL or SECAM(European standards) at this moment..
Does anyone know offhand?

For PC's of any flavor it should be either your refresh rate or the number of vertical retraces, since vga signals don't (normally) use scanlines.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 11:39 AM
Nevermind I figured out the fps that was used.
24 frames/sec.

Pattern simply repeats itself every 4 seconds.
Here is my figures:

whenbf=1.00 means last frame 0.00 nowhere
time bf/nobf whenbf whatfisbf howmanyftobf fdifference

1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d
1s 0 0.00 24f/32b/0d
2s 1 0.50 8fb/32b/16d
3s 1 0.67 16fb/32b/8d
4s 1 1.00 24fb/32b/0d

4*15->60 potiential beats
3*15->45 beats per minute

That should be enough info for anyone wanting to do this on any medium they choose.


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