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Will an independant Scotland be part of NATO, UN treatise. Have a Military?

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posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: flammadraco

We've all got ideas on what the best form of government would be.

I've posted my thoughts on more than a few occasions.

Now's not the time or place to go in to it in depth here - suffice to say I think devolved power, Direct Democracy, abolition of the party system, increased use of local and national referenda, criminalise lobbying, power of recall, split elections etc are all desirable.
Are they all practical or workable? - I honestly don't know.

It's not a federal government, just looked up the definition and it said "government with a lot of Central power". That's what the issue is at the moment.

I think the Federal government looks after cross state issues and Defence etc whilst the individual states have their own legislative bodies that are empowered to raise taxes and govern issues that only directly effect each respective state.....or something like that.

A common complaint from many Americans is that the centralised Federal government has developed far too much power and influence at the expense of the individual State governing bodies.....I think.

edit on 18/9/14 by Freeborn because: spelling and grammar

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 03:46 PM
Oh.....and we should bring back the Home Internationals.

They were great.

At least one of out national teams would win something and they'd be an excellent excuse for a few beers and a bit of banter and craic.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 03:58 PM
if anything...Westminster has shat it....a wake up call they all needed...i see hope for the future, they only see fiery torches, pitchforks and angry crowds...whatever happens we keep up the momentum to change things for the better...The working Man/Woman will not be ridden rough shod over no more.
edit on 18-9-2014 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-9-2014 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
Oh.....and we should bring back the Home Internationals.

They were great.

At least one of out national teams would win something and they'd be an excellent excuse for a few beers and a bit of banter and craic.

Have we not got one in the next year...great topic of conversation...remember the time Dave shat his pants....

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

There's a 'friendly' in November, at Celtic Park of all places.

Been to Hampden for a game back in 84 or 85, got a bit 'on top'.
Strangely enough I'm really good mates now with a few lads who were there that day.

I'm sure the day 'Dave shat his pants' will be the source of much merriment for years to come.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Soloprotocol

There's a 'friendly' in November, at Celtic Park of all places.

Been to Hampden for a game back in 84 or 85, got a bit 'on top'.
Strangely enough I'm really good mates now with a few lads who were there that day.

I'm sure the day 'Dave shat his pants' will be the source of much merriment for years to come.

It was great to see the Rat up here begging, he actually shed a tear at one point..Forever he will be known as Boo Hoo Dave or Davey Bubbles...that memory will live with me forever. What a arse..

edit on 18-9-2014 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 12:58 AM
Thrust to the heart, purse rifled, rings gone.

Scotland the not so brave.

In a strange masochistic way I hope Cameron screws us when it comes down to devolved powers, we deserve no less.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 03:28 AM

originally posted by: midicon

Thrust to the heart, purse rifled, rings gone.

Scotland the not so brave.

In a strange masochistic way I hope Cameron screws us when it comes down to devolved powers, we deserve no less.

He daren't. Camerweasel is now caught between a rock (keeping the Union together) and a hard place (his own party is about to have a screaming fit).

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 03:46 AM

originally posted by: midicon

Thrust to the heart, purse rifled, rings gone.

Scotland the not so brave.

In a strange masochistic way I hope Cameron screws us when it comes down to devolved powers, we deserve no less.

Why not so brave? Not everyone was of the same opinion as you but wanted to make their opinion known - you should be proud of the turnout.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: midicon

You were brave,the debate you guys started will bring in change for the whole union and the rest of the UK thanks you for starting this debate.

There is a silver lining to all this and that is Scotland will have even more devolved powers from Westminster.

The only favour I would ask the Scots is to get rid of Salmond at the next election.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 05:00 AM
Thanks guys. For me it was always about Westminster and a chance for change. We cannot even get rid of Salmond, there is no one to vote for. All we Scots can do at Westminster is support the Labour Party. Someone tell me how that is a viable option for change?

I usually say 'it's all good at this point' but all the goodness has been sucked out of me. I will say this, that it is a testament to you nay sayers that you have not been gloating at the result. More power to you.

Regards Midicon.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: midicon

Scotland can be proud today.
Not about the result but how they have shown rUK it is possible to exercise your Right to Self-Determination in a more or less dignified and passionate manner and that WE can face up to Westminster and demand change.

We, rUK, now need to step up to the plate and offer our full support to our Scottish brethren and start turning this Union into something we can all be proud of and a shining light to rest of the world.

We need to make sure the politicians not only deliver on the promises they have made but also continue moving forward towards becoming the thriving, vibrant, strong yet caring, proud and compassionate society we should be.

Scotland has given us ALL hope for the future, and you should be immensely proud of that.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: midicon

You are right about Westminster, but unfortunately all the parties are basically the same now, I cannot see any major differences in their policies. We do need a massive shake up of all UK politics. The sad thing is, most people don't give a monkeys about politics and that has allowed these politicians free reign. I just hope the momentum of change that you guys started does not die out and major changes can be made to the way we are ALL governed.

Keep your chin up midicon, you guys showed the rest of us how its done

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: midicon

Why would we gloat?

As others have said, this has (it would appear, anyway) stirred up a storm in UK politics and will undoubtedly bring in greater change and fairer Government for all.

And whilst I am genuinely happy you guys voted No - I never wanted the UK to break up - I am also glad that there was a massive turnout for both sides and it's boot the boot up the twats in Parliament to decentralise power away from London.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 08:55 AM
I have to say I am thankful for the result.

Hopefully this will be the catalyst that the government needed to show that the people vote matters. Now if those voters could be educated about politics it would mean educated and informed voting instead of yet another pied piper in a reconditioned hat leading them astray from reality.

People need to be educated and then they need to be able to make unbiased educated opinions about the things they vote for.

While there is a lot of attention on such matters, it is an opportunity to clarify the role of government, nationally and locally and reassess if there are improvements that can be made to the system, how policies are implemented and how people can make a difference to their own lives and those of their communities by actually learning about things instead of preconceived notions of allegiance based on tradition and patriotism.

Hopefully now each nation will be more self governed in better ways.

As for Scotland's political future, the SNP were atrocious in such a campaign, dodging questions and having little answers. Were it not for patriotism they might not have received many votes at all. That isn't good politics, it's worse than the either / or of Conservative / Labour. Scotland needs to know that and to think about it, as their future was almost trashed.

Perhaps this is something of clearing the air and now the real work can be done for the United Kingdom as a national alliance. Onwards and Upwards!

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