posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:53 AM
Hey guys,
I know that discussions get heated in here sometimes, and I know that a lot of us (myself included) have posted things that we wish we hadn't.
Thusly, I thought I would start this thread as an opportunity for those of us who wish to discuss with other members our arguments in the past, and to
give and recieve forgiveness for any harsh words that might have been said in the course of such arguments.
As for myself, I would like to say to the Colonel, if he still keeps an eye on ATS (and I'm sure he'd be thrilled that we now have our own politics
board) that I do not hold any hard feelings against him. The same goes for any of the other posters on this board that I may have alienated or
offended by way of my particular political opinions.
Just because our stances on certian social and fiscal issues may differ does not mean that ATS cannot still function as one of the finest, and most
powerful, forums of discussion upon the world that is unknown to the common man. Take some time to let members that you have fought with in the past
know that you respect them and theiir views... and give thanks that we have this great place to meet and share ideas.