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Watch live now as police are arresting Ferguson protesters blocking I-70 interstate

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posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 04:57 PM
I will take a wild guess and say that if they just close them bridges going over the river then much of the nonsense would stop. I bet the majority of arrest made so far in ferguson have been people that came across the river from the east and not the people from the north.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 05:04 PM
Just to let you know, I was watching the channel 5 ksdk report from Ferguson Mo on TV. I saw two African American women walking with a Caucasian police officer and all three of them were laughing. Too bad I can not capture the video.
edit on 10-9-2014 by feldercarb because: added o to to

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 05:17 PM


posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 05:30 PM


posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: douglas5

Why not create threads on these topics instead of derailing this one?

The protests were sparked by the death of one man, but the protests are more than just one person, and they are effecting change, that wasn't being discussed before.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: douglas5

The protest were about a cop killing some, not 3 scumbags killing someone.
Guess what, more then just her died that day, and I bet there was white people that killed black people that very same day, prob in the very same town that day as well.
And yes the people that died by the hands of ISIS have been getting plenty of airtime, that is all the news talks about not sure what you are watching.
It was obviously about race, why else would you bring up black killing white and not getting attention?
And who do you protest in the case you put up? The peoples parents or family?

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: douglas5

Sad incident Douglas, about that waitress but I agree with others here. I might see your point except you had to dredge up an incident from over two years ago to make your point. Sad.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: douglas5

Why not create threads on these topics instead of derailing this one?

The protests were sparked by the death of one man, but the protests are more than just one person, and they are effecting change, that wasn't being discussed before.

They are not effecting any change. Still see the same old faces showing up to hijack a protest which turns into looting arson and failed communist organizations attempts to bullhorn the sheeple in the streets to start some sort of rebellion. Rinse and repeat.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 07:02 PM
Wow. Ferguson is still a thing? Lol, haven't heard much on this lately. Not very smart to go play in traffic. They are lucky those officers are forcing them out of harms way.

Not that I find the mass violation of peoples rights is some grade A BS, but still, come on! Don't block the damn road.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: douglas5

Why not create threads on these topics instead of derailing this one?

The protests were sparked by the death of one man, but the protests are more than just one person, and they are effecting change, that wasn't being discussed before.

They are not effecting any change. Still see the same old faces showing up to hijack a protest which turns into looting arson and failed communist organizations attempts to bullhorn the sheeple in the streets to start some sort of rebellion. Rinse and repeat.

You keep mentioning "communist" everywhere you post. Also, stop using the word sheeple... it just shows others that they shouldn't take you seriously. That's 12 year old talk and a good way to show how immature you are.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: LDragonFire
Protests are proving productive:

Through a press release, the city indicated a number of proposed changes will be discussed during the meeting. The public will also have an opportunity to speak.

One change is the creation of a citizen review board tasked with working with the Ferguson Police Department.

Citizens review boards are a must for all local Leo IMO.

And this

Another proposed change would be to cap how much of the city’s general revenue comes from municipal court fines. The cap would be 15%. The idea is to show citizens the fines are for punishment and not for generating revenue.

The council is also expected to introduce and ordnance that will repeal the offense of “Failure to Appear.”​


Seriously when you do some basic research on the subject you wouldn't post such uniformed opinions!

WASHINGTON (AP) — Images of police outfitted in paramilitary gear clashing with protesters in suburban St. Louis after the weekend shooting death of unarmed black teenager is giving new impetus to efforts to rein in a Pentagon program that provides free machine guns and other surplus military equipment to local law enforcement agencies.

Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., says he plans to introduce legislation when Congress returns in September to curb what he describes as an increasing militarization of police agencies across the country.

"Our Main Streets should be a place for business, families and relaxation, not tanks and M16s," Johnson said Thursday. "Militarizing America's Main Streets won't make us any safer, just more fearful and more reticent."

edit on 10-9-2014 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

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