posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 08:54 AM
Good luck. I used to think cablevision in NY was probably pretty lousy, until I moved up here and met Roger's internet lol.
Cablevision used to try and be sly and cap my upload speed every few months, I would call, they would say I was using too much of my unlimited upload
stream on torrents. I would demand to speak to a manager, threaten to switch ISP, he would comp the month feee and uncap my upload speed. Happened
quite a few times.
Up here, they try to nickle and dime you for "how much internet you use", with an inaccurate "online meter" that isn't even in real-time, it's
delayed by days. If they want to treat the internet like electricity, they should have to follow the same rules with an accurate meter that is
overseen by a third party. I pay almost 3 times as much as I did back in the sticks of NY, for worse speeds, and a stupid monthly limit. It sucks. I
know they try to cap torrents too, I have to switch to a random port every few days when it starts to flow like molasses.