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Ebola evacuations to US greater than previously known

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posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: loam

Actually.. they kinda do. The first two people were brought over separately. So my guess would be no more than one or two per flight and probably only one because of the personnel and the fact that if the person being flown over isn't sick, but a second person on the plane is it would be risky and they can only have so many isolation pods on these planes.

So from ten flights you can figure a relatively low number and most likely just ten, maybe twenty, I sincerely doubt any more than that.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z
a reply to: gatorboi117

You mean the same medical professional group that has trained all their lives to be able to protect themselves from an infectious disease and caught it anyway? Yeah, that inspires TONS of confidence......

No actually not the same ones. I don't think anyone from this group has been infected, and the people who were infected didn't train all their lives to protect themselves from such a hot virus, they trained all their lives to treat sick patients.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:01 PM
No doctor trained all their lives. They went to college an extra two to four years which includes their residency period.
Many doctors were raised in abject poverty and wanted to never be poor again. Such as my brother in law who went into ER medicine. He went to West Virginia to work because it paid the most in the entire USA. No one want to work there because housing, schooling, health care, shopping, and restaurants do not exist on an up scale level of any kind. The education at the primary schools there is sub par, so no doctor wants to raise their kids there either. Anyways, he made over three hundred thousand a year back in the nineties and saw the worst possible accidents. Eventually, he became burned out and moved back to Ohio to work as an urgent care physician who prescribes prescriptions hourly. He makes half of what he did in West Virginia. He does not love people, he just did not want to do without luxury in his life. He is a nice guy and works hard but he is no Mother Theresa. Doctors are not Gods, they just took out student loans and stayed in school longer. And it would be wise to always get a second opinion and do your own internet homework before accepting any doctors word for it. They do make mistakes and they do have their own business agenda. Such as referring other doctors some new patients (jobs), for your health care paying their pay checks. I watched doctors try to accomplish this act during the recession to stay in business. Are you aware many hospitals went out of business during the recession? People could not pay their bills. People had to drive more than an hour to get to a city hospital after these businesses shut down. They did not stay open for the people. Health care is BIG Business. They want your money. Watch out!
edit on 10-9-2014 by frugal because: spelling

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: loam

How's this?

Ebola: "Fighting a Forest Fire With Spray Bottles"

….Media attention is constant but much of the focus is on whether the virus will kill Europeans or Americans. Journalists come to film staff in exotic yellow hazmat suits, to photograph tanned, exhausted expatriate aid workers, and then they go home and tell the story of the poor Africans and the brave foreigners who came to save them. They are in love with the romance of the dirt roads and killer virus, but miss the outrage and helplessness we are living every day.

We see entire villages wiped out, we follow the tangled webs of extended families as one by one they become sick and die. We live in a world where conversations revolve around where to put the all the bodies no one has come to bury. We separate sick parents from healthy children or the reverse. We listen to the brokenhearted wails of a woman who has lost the last of her ten children, and then a week later we see her in our triage tent with her small grandson and we watch them die.

No one is asking where the rest of the response is. They don’t question why, after five months of talk, and more than 1,500 known deaths, the epidemic is still raging. They don’t ask, "Where is the money donors are pledging? Where are the boots on the ground?"

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:07 PM
Maybe the numbers are kept to minimal OP to prevent mass fear.
Further it could be they are brought to USA because of better medical and quarantine procedures as well as for research on the virus. my 3 cents

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:20 PM
The fact that an undisclosed number of people who have been exposed to ebola were brought stateside is enough. It doesn't matter to me exactly what the number was. The fact that it happened at all is my concern. If there was no harm in relaying that information, I have to believe the agencies involved would have done so. Why create a mystery knowing people will look more closely at it if you don't have to?

We have to overcome the arrogance of thinking we can control this bug. The worst mistake you can make in any battle is underestimating your opponent. If we don't show this bug some respect it will show us none in return.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:22 PM
Well at least they didn't fly home on TWA!!
I read one story where they have sick people riding from hospital to hospital in taxicabs because the hospitals don't have the room and and turning them away.
I think I'll be content with just hoping and praying that our gov't can safely transport our citizens back home.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
Well at least they didn't fly home on TWA!!

Hmmm. How do you think all the oil rig workers, mining execs and etc. get around, and back home to the USA?

Quarantined nationals and illegal immigrants are NOT the problem.

....I thought ATS was supposed to Deny Ignorance. Guess it all depends on how you interpret the directive.

edit on 10/9/14 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/9/14 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:39 PM
This explains one thing to me at least.

With the first two patients, it was publicized that they HAD to be brought in to the CDC, as they were the only facility equipped to deal with it.

The latest one was flown to nebraska. I just couldnt figure out why.

Now it makes sense.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: minkmouse
These posts are not necessarily to garner fear..

Its just news man, relax. No need to downplay it either.

Keep the news coming.. better informed than not.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 06:10 PM
What is Africa doing as whole to help the infected county's?

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: loam


I, for one, appreciate your passing this news on.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: loam

Bring them all on over! We haven't had a good plague in a long long time! You can't make this # up.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: loam

Thanks for posting this. All it takes is ONE person who had an exposure event and became infected, flying without quarantine and landing and going to a major population center to bring the epidemic over here. That's the ones to worry about, not the ones already quarantined.

Currently in south Aftrica, TAXICABS are a hot transmission zone, with sick passengers running all over looking for medical care. Who also frequently rides TAXICABS? Tourists or visitors from other countries, arriving via the airport with no other way to travel. Have you EVER seen a CAB driver smell like he bathed or bothered to clean up himself? That's what scares me more than anything. Then these CAB customers ride the CAb back to the airport and get on a plane headed for God knows where.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: AreUKiddingMe
a reply to: loam

Thanks for posting this. All it takes is ONE person who had an exposure event and became infected, flying without quarantine and landing and going to a major population center to bring the epidemic over here. That's the ones to worry about, not the ones already quarantined.

Currently in south Aftrica, TAXICABS are a hot transmission zone, with sick passengers running all over looking for medical care. Who also frequently rides TAXICABS? Tourists or visitors from other countries, arriving via the airport with no other way to travel. Have you EVER seen a CAB driver smell like he bathed or bothered to clean up himself? That's what scares me more than anything. Then these CAB customers ride the CAb back to the airport and get on a plane headed for God knows where.

You speak true.. and all it takes is one person to come to the USA, home of meat raised and dosed with antibiotics, which are somewhat passed on to those of us that eat it. The home of mutating viruses and resistant bacteria, to come in contact with one of those infected and become a human incubator for a strain that could become airborne.

Viruses and bacteria have been around waaaaayyy longer than we have... they are more adaptable, evolve faster and generally will outlive us. They are like thieves, no matter how much better we make our locks they will always find a way to get through.
edit on 11-9-2014 by kdyam because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: joho99
What is Africa doing as whole to help the infected county's?

Africa is completely overwhelmed by this. They are doing anything at this point other than trying to do damage control.

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