posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 05:13 PM
Last night/this morning I was having a dream/nightmare, although it didn't feel like a dream, it felt real until I woke up.
Anyway, in this dream I had a brain hemmorage or anneyurism, with this came a feeling of vertigo, everything looked like how it would through a
kelidoscope, I tried to get out of bed, but I couldn't because I didn't know which way was up, or straight, I stumbled, fell, and tried to scream
for my husband, I was screaming in my head, and the only thing that came out of my mouth was a whisper.. I had such a feeling of helplessness and I
was scared to death.
And thats when I woke up and thanked my lucky stars.. .What a nightmare.
The last dream I had that was like that (screaming but nobody could hear me) was with Osama.
He gave me a stare down and put his fingers like crocodile dundee did to those two dogs, when he did that, I became paralyzed, I couldn't move and I
was screaming but nothing was coming out.
My husband came up from behind and grabbed me, and thats when the trance broke, and I woke up
I hate those dreams....
[edit on 6-12-2004 by TrueLies]