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Does anyone on ATS know of a cure for Type 1 (NOT Type 2) diabetes?

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posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 03:27 AM

originally posted by: dollukka
a reply to: jinni73

I am not saying we are totally GMO free, but we have transparency in labeling. Food safety has always been top priority here. Unlike US every ingredient which has GMO products in the food chain needs to be indicated in the labelling. We are very much against GMO and our producers are proudly stating GMO free in food products. One reason why TTIP deal keeps failing is that we do not want GMO and we want to keep our food safe and labelling transparent and US wants the opposite.
GMO is not selling here.

That's the problem dealing with corporations that earn billions of dollars they just continue throwing money at it until they get it in. Or if they can't get it in they get the military to do it
So let me give you a scenario

the British military will tell you there is a perceived threat from lets take a country Russia then spray the air with bacteria for 40 years to see what it will do IF they release it over the russians, except it seems something went wrong with this plan LOL oh yes they forgot to stop testing it on the british and this shows the Canadians were also being sprayed by there military
the people we are dealing with here will attack you any way they can so you have got honest labelling (ever heard of misdirection) and then the military steps in which likes to kill anything it can when not in warfare just for testing purposes on the Russians and we all still keep paying our tax to a bunch of mentally ill politicians and whoever else will do whatever the ruling class say.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: InFriNiTee
a reply to: jinni73

Ironically, I even tried MMS (sodium chlorite). When you mix citric acid with chlorine, it chemically reacts to form something that is chemically similar to Clorox bleach. I won't say that it hurt me in any way, but on the other hand it didn't cure diabetes. All that really happened was that it gave me an unforgettable stomach ache! My line of thinking is that something that feels uncomfortable is probably not helping anything.

I know that Jim Humble said that MMS was the cure to diabetes. He basically said it is the cure to everything (cancer, aids, etc., etc., etc.). I think there is a possibility it may help people recover from tuberculosis or malaria, but I am not a doctor and have no idea whether it would work or not.

To be honest, I have tried almost every alternative substance you can think of. Colloidal silver, many, many others. Autoimmne diabetes is something that is able to evade every thing I have been able to think of to try.

Here's a couple more one is monoatomic products like gold I've read one paper that states the gold has to be under 1.4 nanos, tehn you have got platinum worth researching I have a theory on expensive items on this planet and that is the health benefits are so good they price the product out of our reach I know gold and platinum are noble metals but they are definitely keeping the production of these metals restricted to force the price up This is a fact I guarantee you there is way more gold and platinum than they tell us.

I'm researching liver problems at the moment and am reading a book by henry bieler and he reckons that sodium is the key to longevity and as long as the liver gets enough you can live a long time a very long time, so then I started researching silibin which has atrial natriutec peptides which is why they are so good for the liver and work in enhancing sodium flow here's a test done on rats there's quite a lot of info on google scholar.

I was Tracking autoimmune diseases and got back to 1957 when the rockerfellers were looking at rheumatoid arthritis in 1957, chemical fertiliser was introduced in 1954 so the correlation is strong as well as disease multiplying by 4000% over the 5 years since 54. so you are looking at uranium poisoning basically as that is in the fertiliser as wellas the restriction of various minerals like sulphur and boron.

did you try the fulvic acid.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: jinni73

I have tried the fulvic acid. Maybe not pure fulvic acid, it's more of a fulvic mineral complex. It definitely helps with the overall blood sugar control. Nothing as of yet has been a total solution. Certain things make diabetes more manageable (besides the GMO insulin). Maybe there is a genetic corruption. I guess the way I feel is that vaccines may alter a person's genetics. I don't have any proof of that, but I find it hard to believe that diabetes rates of type 1 have been increasing more and more rapidly just by "nature" alone. Just a theory, no proof of anything with that.

I guess the main reason I have been searching for a cure so desperately is because I know what happened to the Greeks when Novo-Nordisk cut off the insulin supplies to that country during the first Greek economic collapse. There were some articles I found that said that as many as 38,000 Greek diabetics died during the first collapse. With all the economists today screaming about a financial collapse that is bound to happen in North America, I get a little more scared as each day passes. As time goes by, the greed of humanity may kill off a lot of people. It already has. Let's all just try to do the best we can, and hopefully we make it until we should die at a normal old age. The other thing is that I know for a fact that the complications of diabetes will show up in a person who has had it as long as I have. I'm starting to see that already, and honestly it scares the living hell out of me. If I just had a computer that would process 512 qbits (quantum D-wave) and I had the right data to plug into it, I would find the cure myself. The only problem is I don't have 10 billion dollars. The world needs a hero!

Megadeth - The World Needs A Hero:

Megadeth - This Was My Life:

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 06:26 AM
I just wanted to add a little update here. I have tried experimenting with some things lately. Removing all grains from my diet is one thing I tried in the past. I have found that has helped with blood sugar control a lot. When I eat (especially wheat) grain products, it seems like I need to do a LOT more insulin.

The other thing that really hurts is this: Meat (beef, and pork especially) products seem to make me need to take a LOT more insulin. Since I have completely removed those (besides some occasional chicken) things have gotten a lot better. Any dairy products seem to make things much worse with diabetes, in my case. It's these facts that are making me think that maybe diabetes is related to a protein allergy of some sort-like leaky gut syndrome in the intestines. I am thinking that might be a lot of the problem with diabetes.

Back to the TH1 and TH2 stimulators that affect the immune system. From my studies, TH1 stimulators are BAD for type 1 diabetics, and TH2 stimulators are BAD for type 2 diabetics. Chocolate happens to be a powerful TH1 stimulator, and it seems to make me need a LOT more GMO insulin. As much as I like it, I just can't ever eat it. I confirmed this again just yesterday.

I did some research on the Marshall Protocol that I mentioned earlier in the thread. The Marshall protocol will not work, from what I've found. In fact, restricting Vitamin D could be very dangerous for people with any type of diabetes. I tried a vitamin D free diet and limited my sun exposure. I didn't get on the Benicar or the antibiotic they mention, but without vitamin D, I was starting to notice that I was just overall not feeling nearly as well. It turns out that Mr. Marshall was an engineer who thought his protocol would cure many diseases, but a lot of people had gotten very sick in trying his methods. They may work for some people with certain diseases, but they didn't help me!

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: InFriNiTee
Dairy and meat is pretty much poison for us well at least when we add heat to the preparing of it, Rare is Ok though, there is not one proven case of poisoning from raw products, the media and governments just make it up, we had a big case here in Australia a few months ago and they said a child had drunk some raw milk and died from it when I did some digging it turns out the kid had a terminal disease have you also tried going onto a vegetable broth diet
also have you researched frequencies especially 728 hz which was Rife and Lahkovsky's main success also the music we listen to should be at 432 hz not the 440 hz which is the worst frequency for your body apparently so all pink Floyd music is tuned to this,

I was wondering how may the pharma drug companies had killed with their withdrawal of their poisons lets hope the greek people are smart enough to sue these companies.

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 07:41 PM
You could try a pure protein diet.
Ssoy milk or almond milk ,eggs, tuna lots of carb free roughage. Your body metabolizes proteins into ketones which can be burned like sugar to some extent.

You would probably have to start with a soy milk fast or something till your blood sugar stabilizes.

That kind of sugarless carb free diet leaves you feeling a little flat but you can keep your blood sugar low without insulin that way.

Keeping your weight in the lower quartile of the BMI "normal" range dropped my blood sugar down to the low 120's from prediabetic years ago.

Honestly Its a tough regimen for most people and a lot easier to just take insulin.

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Cauliflower

Somehow the rise in diabetes, is matching the rise in hormone related cancers . Their rise correlates to the rise of Dairy in the general diet. The foodstuffs that contain Dairy in one form or another, have grown as the whey powders, and the general price of Dairy has fallen over the years. In whatever form it is still liquid meat. Which should be around ten percent of the diet, and not fifty percent, which it seems to be reaching. Every burger, is ground up dairy cow, every milk shake, with the ice cream, every latte, every piece of cheese, added to make the burger tastier, is pushing the bounds of common sense.

posted on Jul, 7 2015 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Somehow the rise in diabetes, is matching the rise in hormone related cancers .

The link between cancer and diabetes is based on the glucose blood content, it is as simple as that!

posted on Jul, 7 2015 @ 03:20 AM
From my research the cure for cancer, aids, diabetics and other so called 'incurable' disease is to kill the host.

Not much fun but it's the only proven scientific solution.

I don't have a medical degree but if any doctors want to challenge me feel free to.

posted on Jul, 7 2015 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: Cauliflower
You could try a pure protein diet.
Ssoy milk or almond milk ,eggs, tuna lots of carb free roughage. Your body metabolizes proteins into ketones which can be burned like sugar to some extent.

You would probably have to start with a soy milk fast or something till your blood sugar stabilizes.

That kind of sugarless carb free diet leaves you feeling a little flat but you can keep your blood sugar low without insulin that way.

Keeping your weight in the lower quartile of the BMI "normal" range dropped my blood sugar down to the low 120's from prediabetic years ago.

Honestly Its a tough regimen for most people and a lot easier to just take insulin.

Soy is crap no-one should touch the stuff if it has not been fermented and royal soy is fermented for 50 years before it is ready, the soy they put in your food contains phytic acid goitrogens and enzyme inhibitors all of these will screw with your body. the only protein we need are the 8 essential amino acids which are perfectly delivered for your body in raw egg yolk.

edit on 7-7-2015 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2015 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

Hats off to you for trying so hard to revert such a difficult chronic disease. I admire your spirit and tenacity, and I also admire Dolluka for being such a great mum! (And I also can't stand it when people confuse Type 1 and 2, as they are completely different!!).

I am all for a healthy clean diet, in fact I eat vegan/vegetarian/low carb a couple of days a week, but this won't help Type 1 because the problem is simple: we need Beta cells to produce insulin and if Beta cells have been destroyed, no type of diet or other natural methods would be able to make the body produce new Beta cells or regenerate dead ones. And this is what you need: a good number of healthy beta cells.

But there is hope:

Joslin scientists are leading the way in the quickly advancing research to find new sources for beta cells—including “progenitor” cells located in the pancreas that can morph into beta cells—and to develop innovative ways to make more copies of surviving cells.

Susan Bonner-Weir, Ph.D., and her colleagues have amassed evidence of an important potential source of new beta cells within the pancreas. Her lab showed that in rats and mice that are neonatal or have had pancreatic injury, cells in the nearby pancreatic ducts, which act like pipes for digestive enzymes, can differentiate into beta cells and the other pancreatic cells.

They are also thinking of trying to encapsulate remaining Beta cells to protect them from damage:

“Encapsulation continues to be a maddening and attractive concept,” says Dr. Gordon Weir. “You lock the cells up in a membrane that screens out the cells that attack the islets, and yet the holes are big enough that nutrients and oxygen get in perfectly well, and insulin gets out.”

Here is the link to the article:

I am not a Diabetic Specialist but I believe there will be an affordable treatment or cure for Type 1 in the future.

edit on 7-7-2015 by Agartha because: Spelling!!!

posted on Jul, 7 2015 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: PeterMcFly
a reply to: anonentity

Somehow the rise in diabetes, is matching the rise in hormone related cancers .

The link between cancer and diabetes is based on the glucose blood content, it is as simple as that!

Yes that would be correct. As the blood sugar rises the immune system gets weaker . So what would have been an easy mop up job as far as the bad cells go gets harder . The hormone content in modern milk production adds oestrogen in ever higher quantities , along with the normal growth hormone, so the oestrogen feeds the bad cells, and the growth hormone originally designed for the fast growing calf stimulates them.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

A colleague of mine has sent me this and I thought of you. I strongly believe we will see a cure for Diabetes Type 1 very soon, scientists are working really hard to find a cure!

Melligen cells have potential to reverse type 1 diabetes, researchers indicate.
A cell line known as "Melligen" cells shows promise as a treatment for type 1 diabetes after researchers reported it can reverse the diabetic condition. Melligen cells are derived from human liver cells and are capable of regulating blood glucose levels as insulin can be produced on demand.

When transplanted into diabetic mice, their blood glucose levels became normal, despite their immune systems not properly functioning. The bodies of the diabetic mice began to produce insulin when responding to increasing blood sugar levels, with researchers indicating this reversed the condition of diabetes.

Whole article here:

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 05:23 AM
do a search on YouTube about ...The Miracle Tree.. Moringa Olefera...

I recall the leaves or something is good for inflammation/blood pressure/ diabetes ... among other health benefits

posted on Jul, 13 2015 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

Couple of chinese solutions if you get stuck for insulin one is pork pancreas, and the other is thinly sliced dried bitter melon 250 grams boil in pure water you can also add in 100 grams of fresh clam, I got this from the book Chinese Natural cures

have you got your absorption right, you need to take Licorice powder 20-25 grams a day low salt, pepper, coffee and liquor intake high protein (although not cooked meat) and high vitamins especially B6 and Riboflavin as these two regenerate the villi they say 6 weeks but normally this sorts your stomach within a week, you can also get some fresh raw Potato juice crush it to get the juice out add some raw honey and drink first thing in the morning, you should also be taking hawthorn fruit as this does the job of the bile juices one other thing is to get some Gum Turpentine take one drop on a cube of sugar for a few days then increase this is super for killing parasites but too much can cause toxic shock as the poisons that come out of you can overload your liver which is why 1 drop is the right amount you must make sure the turpentine Is from trees and it comes in a glass bottle, art shops sell it.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

Good read, any updates on possible treatments?

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