originally posted by: BanTheTruthQuick
a reply to: BanTheTruthQuick
I think preppers will end up looking very smart in the end.
The rests of us will gang up on them
I know I know, this isn't funny
It is that strategy that will ensure that we all lose in the end. Whatever grand experiment this may have started out to be, is about to come to a
climatic end. I can almost hear the sound of it rushing towards us, and no matter how I try to convince myself that we can pull a Wiley Coyote, and
just step off the falling plane safely, just before it hits the ground, I know better. The 'you have what I want', 'so I am going to kill you and
take it', 'to the brute goes all the spoils' attitude, will doom us before we start.
Just take a casual look at that strategy. A person who is smart enough to prepare for a 'possibility', and is willing to make the necessary
sacrifices, to accumulate the necessary skills and materials, has just been killed by "The Purge"players and participants. You now have a bunch of
ignorant brutes destroying what looks like a small cache of goodies, and has actually destroyed enough materials and supplies, that if they had been
used wisely, shared or bartered, may have provided for the prepper's family and the scum, for several years. So off with the booty goes the Purgers
to find another unsuspecting, or expecting, prepper. The word will travel about these roving bands of Purgers, and eventually the preppers will
succeed in controlling your numbers. It will be a very sad time in the history of the resurrection, because it will be a time when community would
have had the chance to save many, but greed, doubt, fear and selfishness will purge the largest numbers from our masses.
In every conversation that speaks of prepping, even in the most casual of ways, leads to the comments of how the big bad bully is just going to walk
in and take the fruits of the labors and sacrifices of the preppers. Do you really think that someone disciplined enough, and smart enough, to prepare
for the 'possible', hasn't prepared for the Purgers? I think those of you that think you can lay back, with the expectation of having your cake and
eating it too, should make better use of your time and start thinking more along the line of stone soup. You will never be able to stock away enough
supplies or foods to last forever, and you will never be able to protect your property forever. The goal isn't just about getting through another
day, it is about survival. Survival of as many of us as we can save. It is about providing for "our" children. It is about living to teach, protect
and support every child, for them to pass on for another generation. If the unspeakable happens, we "will" be most likely reduced to two camps. The
Restorers and The Destroyers. The Preppers and The Purgers.
The biggest challenge is going to be getting through the first shock wave. Too many people are not going to know what hit them. There is nothing more
dangerous than a stupid, terrified, individual that just had a truck load of reality, dumped on their head. They can't think pass the next minute,
and it will be worse than "The Night of the Living Dead". You are going to have to deal with those who are full fledge useless zombies, and worse,
trying to filter out those that have been exposed, from those that are sure to turn. In the beginning most people are not going to take chances. The
comments like the ones you made, is going to push more and more people into the, 'not willing to take chances' category. Most are not going to let
you get close enough to determine if you are 'friend or foe'. It is a sad fact, but think about it. You just said that if they are stupid enough to
let you get close enough, your plan for survival isn't to prepare, but to brutally overtake those that have, and to take the fruits of their hard
work and efforts. Preppers are not stupid. It will trouble them that they can't help out a stranger, but you have reinforced the fact that kindness
and generosity toward strangers will get you, your family and community killed.
This lost of humanity has been slowly infecting our society for a long time. This 'me, myself and I' meme, has has grown and developed into a
carcinoma that has grown to the size of Godzilla, and is strangling every bit of courtesy, morality and compassion from our planet, at the speed and
the tenacity of kudzu. Decency, patience, thoughtfulness, courage and kindness are so buried in society that they don't even make a cameo appearance
in most of the TV shows, videos or the hyped movies of today.
If there is any doubt that the end is near, all you have to do is look around you. From your front door to across the oceans, everywhere you look, you
can see people placing more value on items, seconds away from toxic spewing landfills, then they do their own children. You find people trampling each
other to death and giving up hours, to days, of their lives, for the few fleeting seconds of having the bragging rights to say they were one of the
first to purchase the same darn item they are stilling paying for, but with a few useless upgrades, that were deliberately withheld from the over
priced item that they purchased 3 months ago. People will scream, curse, fight and kill for a material item that will be lost in the pile of other
items, that they would die for, but won't give one second of their time in a tiny, thoughtful or neighborly gesture. They will write emails and make
telephone calls to protest the termination of their favorite TV show, but will come up with a thousand and one excuses for why they will not stand up
or protest the injustices and theft of the rights and liberties being stolen from them, their communities and from their heirs.
We as a society have become lost in a trap that was skillfully placed and masterfully manipulated. We are so lost in the darkness that not even the
light can penetrate our sealed lids and we are complacent in our blindness. We allow ourselves to be expertly mislead, deceived, controlled,
conditioned and soon to be labeled and tagged. We have no loyalty to self, family, community, nation or planet. We have lost our souls and with it we
have lost the essence of who we are. We will leave nothing behind except a story. A story that like the old fables, will carry a warning and hopefully
a lesson. We will leave a legacy of destruction. A reminder for all those that follow, that life does not come gift wrapped. That life is the
foundation of living and when life is no longer valued, then there is no future for humanity. Even a blade of grass or an insect has a purpose and is
connected to all living things on our minuscule, encapsulated, vacuum packed planet. We seem to have forgotten "our" purpose and we are rapidly
spiralling down to a global demise of our own making. I can only hope that the next inhabitants will take heed and learn from our mistakes and
By the way, I know that you were just joking. This is written for those that aren't.