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Eight Legged Freaks!

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posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 03:48 PM
Oh... I thought this thread was going to be about Lingerie Football. Did this happen in Las Vegas? Maybe it was an old stage prop from a show. I hear people live in these giant water tunnels since the economy has turned sour.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:19 PM
It seems your friend got really exited about the movie called "Eight legged freaks". The movie starts with a couple people in a sewer pipe seeing very giant spiders.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Thorfinn Skullsplitter

I dunno, what do you think?...

Smells like teen spirit to me!

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by mOjOm

I heard about that. I have an uncle that worked as a diver on the lock and dam in Alton Illinois. He told me he dove down one time and saw what he thought was the hood of a car moving up and down. Closer inspection led him to realize that it was a giant flat head catfish. He almost hyperventilated on his way to the surface.

I believe him for 2 reasons. One he isn't one to tell lavish over exaggerated stories. 2 - He blurted out what species it was without hesitating.

The Mississippi is huge and deep. Way huge, way deep. (depending on where you are)

I wouldn't rule out the possibility of catfish gigantism in the Mississippi river.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:15 PM
it's unlikely that a spider would ( or could ) grow or evolve to that size due to the fact that arachnids, like insects, depend on a hard exoskeleton as a body... because of the inner vascular and 'hydrolic' systems that are used to move and support the exoskeleton, the size of any organism with an exoskeleton is limited, due to the fact that the internal organs and whatnot could not compensate for such a heavy outer shell at a size that big

that's pretty much why bugs are so small, they've had enough time to evolve larger than us, and take over earth many times, but they can't grow or evolve any larger due to their exoskeleton's weight...

but then again, there are alot of organisms on earth that are good examples of 'loop holes' for a long time we thought that life couldn't survive in boiling heat, or without the light of the sun, until we went deep into the ocean and found life living in super heated vents without any sunlight what so ever!

who knows, but if that spider really is out there.. that's pretty cool.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by indigothefish

It's also largely dueto the way their respiration system works

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:30 PM

okay first of all Spiders can gewt as big as a persons hands and yes usually they are found in the rainforest.

Seconds of all You know the movie ANACONDA, they say it is not that far os a stretch.

Maybe just maybe your friend has a touch of arachnaphobia and did not want you to laugh at him.

Like maybe he stretched the truth and did not straight up lie to you.

Some one said above shadows can make things look bigger than they really are. So maybe he saw a shadow of a Wolf spder who generally dont get too much bigger than a grown mans foot. The shadow of something like that at just the right angle. HMMMMMMM

Maybe he was just trying to scare you also.

Don't know your friend but some people get goofy about stuff like that.

So who knows, but dont be too hard on your friend till you know for sure.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:29 AM
i put a post on here tlaking about how arachnid's exoskeletons are too heavy to be supported by their insides at size over the tarantula,


i just realized last night i totally forgot about something

there used to be a species of arachnid known as the sea scorpion, they are extinct NOW but they used to live before the dinosaurs, maybe during also, i'm not sure but definitely before, they could be about 6 feet long, and they basically were just scorpions ( scorpions are arachnids like spiders ) that lived underwater, bnecause their exoskeleton could be held up with ease under water they grew huge,

PERHAPS it's possible they are NOT extince but hide somewhere on earth where we have not found them, and THAT is what your friend saw? or maybe a government has found a way to secretly brew them back to life haha who knows

but my point is not to discredit this story like i did earlier ina post just because it is impossible for an exoskeleton bearing creature to be that big on land, who knows it could have been a huge water dweling spider or scorpion that has the ability to stand otu of water breifly and that was the moment it was seen. i mean it WAS seen in a sewer if i remember correctly right?


posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:47 AM
I guess anything is possible but I would imagine that any spider as large as a person would have seen your friend as an easy meal and you would have never heard this story as your friend would have been wrapped up and sucked dry.

Just the thought of a spider as large as me would have probably caused me to drop dead on the spot, either way I don't think I would have made it out of that tunnel.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:05 AM
I don't see how you can stand the curiousty. I would drag him back there
with a net and capture it. Think of the money and fame involved with
such a discovery.

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