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Would you like to live for 1000 years?

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posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by American Mad Man

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
Promise me I won't look 115 and I'll go that far. After that? I'll probably be ready to move on!
I'll admit. I tried the HGH
I'm not any younger. But, I don't age like most either!

The human growth hormone simply makes your body grow - it doesn't reverse the aging process.

Thats why Barry Bonds gained 40 pounds in the last 10 years yet is still in great shape and also looks old.

Just my luck - go figure.
So, then it wasn't the cookies then hu? LOL!

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 03:56 PM
Long term memory will eventually give out. you'd get real fuzzy, and the length you remembered things would probably shorten as well. i bet youd keep some things, especially moments of utter happiness as a child, first wedding, children, stuff like that. youd lose track of what schools you went to, your first 50 cars, your best friends names the first 30 times around. youd lose a lot of good times, but the knowledge stays.


posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 04:57 PM
Psychology and neuroscience seem to suggest that there isn't an upperbound to long-term memory.

The reason why memory fails at older ages is because we have a harder time retrieving long-term memory, not because it's being lost.

We form long-term memories through a process called protein synthesis. As far as I know, 1000 years actually might not be enough to exhaust the permutations of protein configurations possible in our brains.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 06:18 PM
I'd absolutely love living for a 1000 years if not more. I have many disagreements with my family, though, I just would hate the day I would see them die... In most cases it�s plenty easier to say goodbye to a friend then to a family member. Even if i had to pay the price of seeing my family die off I'd still do it... Day in and day out I daze off just thinking about the future... It's my ultimate dream to live long and see the evolution of humanity as it transitions from one way of life onto another. I'd most likely enjoy it if it doesn�t become the 'dark savage' future portrayed in some movies. I'm in the process of plotting and planning on getting cryogenically frozen in the future. Weather that will work or not we don�t know. I wouldn�t begin to plan for it if I didn�t believe in it... Just the thought of living even 100 years into the future...

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 02:42 PM
I am sure that in a few decades we will solve the 'memory problem' by using hard drives/computers integrated with the brain or even improving the brain itself, improving and creating extra neural connections etc.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 02:52 PM

Long term memory will eventually give out. you'd get real fuzzy, and the length you remembered things would probably shorten as well. i bet youd keep some things, especially moments of utter happiness as a child, first wedding, children, stuff like that. youd lose track of what schools you went to, your first 50 cars, your best friends names the first 30 times around. youd lose a lot of good times, but the knowledge stays.

hrm im going to have to agree with you on this one the only way to live this long with out any brain damage is have the mind of a three year old for a while sure you would have memorys but nore complexed things in the brain would not have formed
? dunno but there is another option

either genetically enhance the brains capacity to remember things or become a cyborg and get memory upgrades or connect your brain to a server and download memorys into tempory files lol a typical technitions anwser

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 03:00 PM
Sign me up...!!!

I wonder, would we get Highlander/Forever Knight flashbacks???

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 04:08 PM
seriously guys, everyone reading this topic with enthusiasm should read the frequently asked questions at

they address all of the things you are talking about, including overpopulation, memory, nanotechnology, decay, etc. You might want to join to help give this kind of technology more power in the future.

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 12:44 AM
I think the future of HEWmankind is to live longer and longer lifetimes and then break the death cycle.

It's there for all to see. Embrass it!

The immune system might hold the secret of brain deterioration, and that may only require minor tweaking by future standards.

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