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The seventh seal was closed in 1912

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posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:56 PM
The 1911 Italo-Turkish War was the first war when bombs would be dropped from the air by blimps and planes, but it wasn't until the year after during the First Balkan War that aerial warfare would be deployed in full. The world saw the first massive air raids complete with the world's first night bombings on the night of 7 November and the first naval co-operations in history, the first wars where bombs would be dropped by planes had arrived:

Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth, and there were peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.

The advent of aerial bombardment would be the seventh and last prophecy to be fulfilled regarding the scroll that belongs to the Lamb of God, when the serpent would finally bite it's tail and the world wide catastrophes would notch up and for real threaten not only all living things, but even the Earth itself. As a grim reminder of troubles to come, the aerial wars of 1911 and 1912 would be the sign to seal up the scroll with a last seal.

By now the once so proud, cruel and influential world power, the RC Church, had been reduced into a bunch of archaic political consultants with funny hats and seven layers of expensive cloathing, wobbling around inside way too big, expensive and overdone buildings-- on slippers. The scroll was finally sealed up, and would now be hidden and secured for when the Real Slimshady would stand up, or when the man comes to town as one person commented earlier on in these threads.

Links to the seven seals threads:
  • The first seal was closed at Nicea...
  • The second seal was closed by Augustine
  • And the third seal was closed at Mâcon...
  • The fourth seal was closed with the Inquisition
  • The fifth seal was closed with the Reformation
  • The sixth seal was closed in 1812
  • The seventh seal was closed in 1912 (this thread)

    Synopsis of this seven seals series:
  • First seal: Marriage with Roman Empire; Constantine
    Constantine the Great is the archer on the white horse, he arranged the first church council at Nicea in 325 AD
  • Second seal: Justifications for war; Augustine
    St Augustine is the rider on the red horse carrying the sword, through the Just War Doctrine that was based on his work
  • Third seal: Introduction of taxes; Mâcon
    A rider on a black horse with a set of scales. At Mâcon a tax-system was established
  • Forth seal: Anti-heresy campaigns; crusades and inquisition
    Death, the rider on the pale horse with Hades trailing after, is the anti-heresy laws that became increasingly stricter as history progressed, to become the most central activity of the RC Church with the crusades and the inquisition in the 11th and 12th centuries
  • Fifth seal: The Protestant schism and humanism; witch processes
    Though the Protestant Church might have given martyrs the RC Church had earlier condemned a clean slate, the witch processes and heresy trials continued.
  • Sixth seal: The evangelical movement; 1812
    1812, world's greatest earthquake, full solar eclipses and blood moons, and devastating wars in Russia and the USA. At the same time the first 'Great Awakening' had already swept over the world, and rhetorics and format of the traditional Church was replaced by the evangelical movement's preaching which was more a sort of entertainment with emotional programming of the masses, psychological tools were applied in the evangelisation and the growing mantra was "The End is Nigh! Repent from Sin! The Kingdom is nigh!", they would gather crowds and heal people, much like the Pentecostals nowadays, and preach about the end of the world and the coming of the Lord.
  • Seventh seal: Back to square one; aerial warfare
    With the dawn of aerial warfare with bombs being tossed out of airplanes and blimps, the Scroll of the Lamb would be sealed up completely and put away until the day and hour is right, when the Lamb of God will open it. With the scroll fully sealed, the world's threat-o-meter would be turned up one notch, with the arrival of the seven arch angels to be announcing seven great worldwide wars and disasters.

    In this thread series, I have established a sort of synthesis based of a synchronous and progressive historical interpretation of the Book of Revelation, displaying a series of major historic events and paradigms in chronological order, showing the Church's development through history spanning over 1500 years, and how they fulfil the prophecies given to Johannan the Scribe at Patmos, centuries and millennia before they came to completion. From meeting in houses and catacombs to becoming the world religion of a vast and immensely powerful world empire, the Church prevailed through power and fame, wars, plague and schism and fall before returning to where the Church once began, as a non-political grass root movement focused on ethics and morals, the forgiveness of sins and healing of the sick and end-time prophecy-- not so much doctrine and dogma in other words, though the unwritten evangelical rules could be just as dogmatic and archaic as the Catholic and Protestant catechisms and canons. But a more agile and adaptable Church altogether, with more of an open mind and not so vulnerable in cases of mistakes or change.

    What I interpret as an original unedited Aramaic Apocalypse scroll has been sealed up and ready to be opened in a future event taking place in God and his angels' and elders' presence at the revelation- or disclosure ceremony Johannan attends in his spirit guided by the angel of Jesus.
    edit on 2-9-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: Edited out the overview of my interpretation of Rev and made it the post below

  • posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:57 PM
    This is how I interpret the Apocalypse of Johannan the Scribe, or the Book of Revelation:

  • The seven letters of Rev. 2 and 3 display the formation of seven Church guilds or orders; see ==>
  • The seven seals of Rev. 4-8:5 display major paradigms in Church history
  • The seven trumpets of Rev. 8-11 display worldwide wars and key events of the 20th and 21st centuries
  • "The Dragon's intermezzo" of Rev. 12-14 shows the Dragon's plan
  • The seven Bowls of Rev. 16 displays the wrath of God
  • The "Interpretation Comma" of Rev. 17-18 display directions for interpretation and the final fall of Babylon
  • The "Millennium King and the New Jerusalem" of Rev. 19 shows the return of the Christ who was born and taken up to God in Rev. 12. The beasts are punnished, the Messiah son of Jesus rules for 1000 years before Satan returns briefly before the New Jerusalem descends from the Heaven and the Old Serpent returns to his Tree and takes a dive into Helios, our Star. We will travel to other planets under new skies. The Week God started some 6000 years ago, and will end in about a thousand years, after the Christ of Jesus has ruled with Jesus as his God in uncompromising peace.
    edit on 2-9-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: Removed double post changed the post

  • posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 04:25 PM
    To me, the seals are your chakra's. And the 7 Churches too. Its all gnosis, and Taosim with a bit of history thrown into the parables to make them real but taking it literal is fear based, low frequency dark side, with a lot murder, destruction etc. Well the only destroyer and murderer is Saturn/Satan and basically dark stars. I hope that those who take these things literally are guarding their Love and Wisdom and not falling into the traps our elite set.
    edit on 2-9-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

    posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 04:38 PM
    a reply to: Unity_99

    The following link shows which arch angel rule which luminary ==>

    This page seems to use much the same system as the Medieval Keys of Solomon (Grimmorium) ==> Here Cassiel rules Saturn.
    Here's one according to Kabbalah ==> Here Tzaphkiel representing the Binah sephira rules Saturn
    And here it shows how incredibly chaotic it can be ==> (scroll down to see different lists relating to different books and prophets.
    edit on 2-9-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: Added more links

    posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 07:52 PM

    originally posted by: Utnapisjtim

    The Week God started some 6000 years ago, and will end in about a thousand years, after the Christ of Jesus has ruled with Jesus as his God in uncompromising peace.

    Would you mind explaining what you are saying here? "The Christ of Jesus", I'm not sure what you are saying.

    posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 08:13 PM
    why are the 'seals on the scroll' being closed... that makes no sense

    the Revelation (aka Apocalypse) is all about breaking as to impart knowledge/discernment to the peoples-of-the-church of what to expect

    After the 2nd blood moon --- the War horse & rider--- then I will reveal the thread I used to present some 17 posts of info which will state my case, then leave the members who are interested in ISIS as the prophecied Caliphate being the actual 1st White Horse & Rider of the 'Apocalypse' ...not the white horse/rider of some past 'going forth' as you are trying to establish as Truth

    posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 10:11 PM
    Well, its nice we finally got over all that prophecy Revelation expose now isn't it. Nice the European ancestors left a blueprint for some to follow to get their way.

    I'm still trying to figure out the last of the Hopi prophecies. Who was the first that was brought the light? Some argue China, or Japan. I'm going for India. Birthplace of Buddhism.

    posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 11:56 PM
    a reply to: sacgamer25

    I answered that question in another post:

    posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 12:00 AM

    originally posted by: St Udio
    why are the 'seals on the scroll' being closed... that makes no sense

    the Revelation (aka Apocalypse) is all about breaking as to impart knowledge/discernment to the peoples-of-the-church of what to expect

    The scroll is opened in a future ceremony in Heaven and in order to be unsealed it must first have been sealed. See?

    After the 2nd blood moon --- the War horse & rider--- then I will reveal the thread I used to present some 17 posts of info which will state my case, then leave the members who are interested in ISIS as the prophecied Caliphate being the actual 1st White Horse & Rider of the 'Apocalypse' ...not the white horse/rider of some past 'going forth' as you are trying to establish as Truth

    Guess we will see in time.

    posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 01:50 AM

    filled it with the fire of the altar, and cast it on the earth, and there were thunders and voices and lightnings, and a great earthquake

    Bombs from planes doesn't quite equate to thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake. Also don't think revelation implies its an act of man, but nature itself, so expecting an extraordinary volcanic event(s).

    Prophecies from mother shipton night relate to the seventh seal in revelation...

    Three sleeping mountains gather breath, And spew out mud, ice and death. An earthquake swallow town and town;
    In lands as yet to me unknown. And Christian one fights Christian two And nations sigh, yet nothing do. And yellow men great power gain; From a mighty bear with whom they’ve lain.

    In lands (plural) unknown to me, so one might be Baroarbunga (ice), the other two who knows but keeping a very watchful eye on yellowstone (mud=ash).

    posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 05:51 AM

    originally posted by: glend

    filled it with the fire of the altar, and cast it on the earth, and there were thunders and voices and lightnings, and a great earthquake

    Bombs from planes doesn't quite equate to thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.

    Ok. I guess you haven't been in the army or had to endure a bomb raid.

    posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 12:02 PM
    a reply to: Utnapisjtim

    ...and, dear LORD, the Name....


    Elymah ha-Chartom bar Hoseanna bar David?

    Heir to the kingdoms of Jesus, that is, all the kingdoms of the Earth, specifically, on his father's side: sole heir to the Empires of Rome, Egypt, Greece; on his mother's side: sole heir to the Kingdom of David.

    «I saw the crescent. You saw the whole of the moon....»
    edit on 5-2-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: Lord's choice. Makes for stormy weather....

    posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 05:59 PM
    In your opinion is the book of revelation future or historic?
    a reply to: Utnapisjtim

    posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 07:41 PM

    originally posted by: guitarplayer
    In your opinion is the book of revelation future or historic?
    a reply to: Utnapisjtim

    In answer, wait for this OP's next publication. Its a brand new 'revolutionary' book about the original 'revelations' a reinterpretation (a conception that is Histrionic and expands any discussion/argument so far as to be unintelligible) good information there! (some of the facts SEEM correct until witnessing a debate with subject SCHOLARS) regardless of outcome the OP's conclusions seem to be so wild as veer toward delusional.
    edit on 11-2-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

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