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My Speech in the U.S. Consulate in China

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posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 06:02 AM
I need help planning my speech for an audience of about 200 Chinese people that will be at the U.S. Consulate in my city in China. I just recieved an email from an Administrative Assistant to the Consulate General asking for a speech on January 19th. I have about 5 weeks to prepare before the big squeeze.

Since this is the education forum I would like to start a topic about hat I should educate these 200 random people about. Now I thought ATS would be a great resource to help me develop my topic and speech. I hope this thread will stay open and not be canned by the mods. This is a real opportunity to put our heads together and educate some people on our common and diverse ideologies.

I would like to give a speech about the U.S. government and what will happen in the next 4 years. A mixture of Conspiracy Theory/New World Order Theory/ and Prediction.

This will be my 6th speech at the consulate. It is part of their ongoing community outreach program to educate the populace and promote immigration.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 06:10 AM
I love your signature... offtopic but I had to say it..
it reminds me of this verse..

2 [3]. Jesus says: "If those who seek to attract you say to you: 'See, the Kingdom is in heaven!' then the birds of heaven will be there before you. If they say to you: 'It is in the sea!' then the fish will be there before you. But the kingdom is within you and it is outside of you!" 3 [3]. "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will know that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you will be in a state of poverty, and it is you the poverty!"

[edit on 6/12/04 by dnero6911]

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 06:47 AM
Yeah well dnero6911, seeing as you took the time to relate his signature to religious verse, how bout taking the time to actually make some suggestions to OOPS about his speech? And I don't mean him passing out bibles at the consulate, either.

In the meantime, I have thought about your post OOPS, and the topic you are choosing. Since the speech you will give will largely be a function of what you register as "true" in your thoughts, then how bout telling us a little bit more about your positions on certain things so that we may better be able to help you.

Ok, you say conspiracy theory and NWO related to predicting what is going to happen in the next four years. Well can you be more specific? Are you going to go into what happened on 911? And what is your position on this? Are you going to get into the Bush's connections with oil conglomerates and the pipelines, caspian sea, and such things? What is your position on this? And how about mentioning PNAC, NATO, the EU, UN, and other such things? The Axis of Evil? Which is supported by China? How you gonna get around that one?

If you could maybe give us some specific subjects that you intend to discuss, and your postions on them, then maybe the overall point your are trying to bring about with this speech, I think it would generate a more productive discussion. OOPS, back to you.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Yeah well dnero6911, seeing as you took the time to relate his signature to religious verse, how bout taking the time to actually make some suggestions to OOPS about his speech? And I don't mean him passing out bibles at the consulate, either.

In the meantime, I have thought about your post OOPS, and the topic you are choosing. Since the speech you will give will largely be a function of what you register as "true" in your thoughts, then how bout telling us a little bit more about your positions on certain things so that we may better be able to help you.

Ok, you say conspiracy theory and NWO related to predicting what is going to happen in the next four years. Well can you be more specific? Are you going to go into what happened on 911? And what is your position on this? Are you going to get into the Bush's connections with oil conglomerates and the pipelines, caspian sea, and such things? What is your position on this? And how about mentioning PNAC, NATO, the EU, UN, and other such things? The Axis of Evil? Which is supported by China? How you gonna get around that one?

If you could maybe give us some specific subjects that you intend to discuss, and your postions on them, then maybe the overall point your are trying to bring about with this speech, I think it would generate a more productive discussion. OOPS, back to you.

Yeh, I was going to after I compiled data, you don't have to be a donkey about it..... Nice little jab at me with the bible thing, would I be justified to call you a dork?
yeh it might be religeous, but hey if something makes sense to me on a cereal box I'm not going to disregard it because its on a cereal box.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 06:58 AM
Well seeing as you basically did the same exact thing to me a few minutes ago in another thread, it is getting annoying.

To quote you from another thread:

"People only speak for the response it illicits... obviously
you spoke, and this is the response it illicited... "

So cut with the cheese, and let's help him with his speech. k?

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 07:04 AM
Calm down..inhale...exhale...No Donkies No Dorks... Keep it real...Ok

I am going to go eat dinner and come back. And then I will reply to you TrueAmerica...Not only are you TrueAmerican but I think your posts are always great. Advice and suggestions that can be easily swalloed...Dnero You shouldn't attack him.!.!.!

This will be my 6th speech. I like to think I have a fan base growing so I want back track on previous speeches. Before the U.S. went and invaded Iraq I gave the first of a two part speech title The United States Obsession with Baghdad: from Babylon to Baghdad. I covered from the fertile crescent all the way through the ottoman empire and then up until world war one and britain's mandate to control iraq and then the gulf war and my predictions for the second gulf war. The secon part of the speech, two weeks later was the day after they toppled the statue. I scrapped the rest of the speech I was going to speak about Carter and stuff but I started going on my NWO rant and pulled out the dollar haha. I'd like to start from where we stand now, more than a year into our war in Iraq.

My positions...

NWO: Corporations are pawns. The ideology is always written by less active types...Maybe not in hitlers case though. We are to technically behind to enact it without massive death around the world which would cause new diseases from so many dead bodies or the ways in which they are killed that it's not in the beneifit of the order. I saw we are far away from it. Although many of us think it's going to happen it probably is but we feel we want it to happen soon so we can actualize our feelings as true.

Conspiracy: Britain is behind a lot but it goes deeper than that, what was in Britain before we knew it was Britain. The monarchy lasted so long, why. Who is guarding it...The pope? The domination of the western's dominated by who and for why...for a NWO so every political thing around us is a conspiracy, a wall, a lie, a facade?

Predictions: A change in tides, a cooling off period...a sharp increase in activity in a usually unoticed part of the globe, or more of the same and a drastic increase of it...Hard to say I don't really know.

My thoughts are scattered, it's 9:11 at night OMG...and I gotta go eat dinner. I just threw my feeligs out there and I hope I can learn a lot in five weeks and come to more solid conclusions about what I think and be able to soundly deliver some concrete information to the masses, all 200 of them
Will edit for spelling later!

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by dnero6911
Yeh, I was going to after I compiled data, you don't have to be a donkey about it..... Nice little jab at me with the bible thing, would I be justified to call you a dork?
yeh it might be religeous, but hey if something makes sense to me on a cereal box I'm not going to disregard it because its on a cereal box.

Umm, I called you no such names. And had you stated that you were compiling data to repost with some suggestions to OOPS, I probably wouldn't have bothered with that little jab. Seeing as you are now suddenly compiling data, why don't you compile your dork and donkey into a term that starts with the letter J.

Anyway, I digress. Oh the drama. Moving right along.....

OOPS, thanks for your compliments.
I am glad you have stated some positions, and I am starting to see much better where you are coming from. I'll be back later, and look forward to gaining some more insight into this speech you will give at the consulate. And btw, who are these 200 people? Like common people, or are we talking politicians or media? Please let us know a bit more bout your audience.


[edit on 6-12-2004 by TrueAmerican]

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