Well, I asked this question a while ago and my thread got moved to below top secret... hmmph
But to answer you question, if you really need to know which is the right religion to follow for salvation then it is.. what I believe of course!!!
Ok, I might be a mad prophet but this is my observation.
There are some common themes of most 'beliefs'
1. Worship an all powerful God
2. Worship a lot of semi powerful gods.
3. We are all Gods. Worship ourselves
4. God is found in nature. Worship nature (can tie in with point 2)
5. Follow in the foot steps of a wise man that claims to have reached salvation
6. There is no God or salvation.
If you have more that I have missed out on then feel free to correct me.
I will work backwards in the order.
6. As this is not really a religion (anti religion) we will skip it. It is however a believe structure and still requires faith that there is no
5. I have heard of some new age sects (and seen some on tv) where people decide to kill themselves because they were told to by a so called spiritual
leader. This is a bit freaky. I would have to say that following a man who claims to have reached salvation is a bit scary. Why not simply reach
salvation for yourself??
I know that people will say that Christ could fit this category but for the purpose of this argument will will assume the Bible is right and Christ is
part of the trinity i.e. GOD.
4. People, expecially in ancient times, worshiped trees, frogs, cows or whatever as these natural things represented different aspects of God. This
also could be a legitimate form of worship. The problem is, what happens for instance if chickens are sacred and is are elements of God, then there is
a serious case of bird flu and they are all destroyed. This element of God has been removed and God is now less powerful. Can that impact on your
ability to reach salvation?
3. God could be found in ourselves. We can do what we want and we can also reach enlightment (salvation) simply by learning to meditate and tune into
our own spiritual self. This theory to me sounds a bit strange as then there is still no absolute truth as everone is different. Most people arent
even aware they could be Gods, thus salvation is not obtained by the majority. What happens to those that can not find self enlightenment?
2. Egyptians believed there were many Gods. A little like the nature Gods. Ra, sun etc. Greeks believed in many Gods as did the romans. Where did the
story of these Gods come from? Are they only man made stories? What message of salvation do they offer?
1. Many different religions claim that there is only one God. There are different interpretations of who this God is and how he can save you.
I sort of ran out of wind towards the end but would love for people to fill in the blanks and tell me what they believe in regards to the options