This is getting really frustrating. Even after all the tutorials and helpful advice, I still can't embed youtube videos, and I don't know why.
For instance, i'm about to attempt to embed this video of darth vader on a unicycle. I've copied everything after the = sign and have pasted it into
the youtube widget, which appears as cnVjkE87FDY.
So why do I get this every time?
It's really annoying when I want to make a thread and I can't provide video evidence for one reason or another. Is it my browser or some kind of add
on that's stopping it? I'm starting to feel like Ranier Wolfcastle on the set of Radioactive man.
"My threads, ze youtube does nothing..." Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: it appears to be working now, but up till now it has never worked, ever. I tried to upload a video on another thread five minutes ago but I
still got the same message as always-" an erroe occured, please try again later"
Is it a copyright issue? because it has never worked for me before.
edit on 30-8-2014 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)
a reply to: Thecakeisalie
I've just tried that video in Youtube (extracting the number from your post).
I got the response that the video does not exist.
Perhaps you mistyped the number, or the video has been deleted since you took the details.
No, I'm on PC and I use the same process every time. I Copy and paste the video ID just like the tutorials say to do, but up till now it has never
worked and I don't know why because it's a straightforward process and no one else seems to have a problem.
Let's see
If I have a YouTube link where are something like this in the address
you need to pick the line after v= and skip all including = or any other special charachters from the end of line
Then i get the youtube letters that i need which in this case would be JFCeEUimG54
everything between v= and = or & focus on special charachters , is what is needed
edit on 30-8-2014 by dollukka because: (no reason