a reply to:
Darth! Good to see you! What can I get you to drink? Let me steal you away from the crowd for a minute. grab one of those chairs over by the
fireplace and we can have a quick word before you start mingling.
I trust you've read the OP, and maybe looked at a few pages here and there? If not, give it a try. Hernando's is unique. I mean exactly that, I
don't mean that it's unusual. There is no place on ATS like it, and it [I]is[/I] a place. Just ask Mrs. guohua over by the bar, or pennylemon,
ketsuko, oh, just anybody.
I've mentioned before that there seems to be a kind of force field around this place. Somehow, and I honestly don't know how, the "wrong sort" of
people either don't post, or make a post or two and leave. The "right sort" stick around, flourish and grow. The regulars at Hernando's have
made this, I don't know how to put it, I'll just call it the best place I've ever seen.
One thing I want to emphasize before we talk about the current topic, is that the regulars are to be respected and cared for. Anyone posting here
becomes one of the family. We worry about each other in times of trial, we celebrate successes, we sympathize when one of us is hurting. We don't
attack each other, or make anyone else look dumb. Our conversations aren't about "winning."
Oh! Thanks for the drinks. Just put it on my tab please, Darth_Prime is new here, you can put his orders on my bill for a few days. Yes, I know my
bill is pretty large, it's all that Bassago's doing. Well, I'm paying it off and I've cleared it with Mrs. G, so it's all right.
OK, where were we? Right.
This is a place where anyone can feel safe all the time. That alone makes it different from any other thread, but it allows us to be more open than
we normally would be. I know you've taken more than your share of hits in the forums, but I don't expect any of that sort of thing here.
You can invite people to join, but I would ask you to participate for a few days first, in order to get a feel for the place and the personalities
Finally, the topic. As pennylemon pointed out, we're currently exploring what "extreme" means, largely but not entirely religious extremism. As a
topic, it can venture into dangerous areas, but as we've noted, a strongly held opinion is very different from an attack. We don't do attacks, but
we try to make it comfortable for people to freely express themselves.
One position, pretty well accepted, is that extremism can be measured by the number of people involved in, or supporting, it. That's perfectly
reasonable, but it gives me some worries.
If we say that extremism is bad and moderation is good, then whatever the large majority does is good, and what the small minority does is bad. I
don't think you or I would be happy with that. The other problem I have is that just about any behavior can be described as moderate, if you
carefully define what group is setting the standard.
If a rite of passage for some tribe was to raid a village, rape a woman, and kill and eat one of that village's men, they could claim that was
moderate behavior. I would hope that pretty much everyone else on the planet would disagree.
I was wondering then, if there was behavior which could be almost always safely labeled as "extreme" without reference to the circumstances. I
would think that killing someone would be a serious punishment which might be considered as not necessarily extreme, but to kill them because they put
the wrong foot on the floor first when they got out of bed (a made-up example) is beyond the pale whoever practices it.
Anyway, stick around. If you don't like that topic, start another. We can have two topics going at once. You might want to go back several pages
and find our juke box, and listen to some remarkable music. I'm glad you're here, and can't wait to hear what's on your mind.