posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 10:09 AM
I've been a long time user of the social bookmarking service I've had an account with them and have been collecting bookmarks since
2006. Recently, I've had some issues and started the arduous task yesterday of moving my bookmarks to Google and another service called
I suppose I could have taken the easy route and probably exported a spreadsheet and called it done, but instead I have been going through and removing
404 links, older info, and things I just don't need anymore. In doing so, I have come across no less than probably 10 of these old links that have
been bought up by what appears to be Chinese hosts.
Here is one example:
EDIT: Removed link because the page is now apparently about sex toys. I didn't bother to translate. Thanks Indigent.
Previously, this page was the North American Interstate Weather Modification Council homepage. It is coincidental that this happens to be from my
Weather Modification tag. I will edit with more links as I come to them. It's just been too many to ignore any further. I wonder why this is? Anyone
else seen this?
Yes, I have too much time on my hands.
edit on 27-8-2014 by glitchinthematrix because: Removed link to NSFW content.