Maybe there was a screen facing them that allowed them to see the camera feed. So maybe they saw that it was the picture that fell. Of course there
are other possibilities and I dont know a lot about tv production so I dont know if that is common to do that.
Maybe they were under some form of hpnotism or mind control. Programmed to reply to scripted questions, but not programmed to react to the unforseen.
Wiping at tears that are not their because they believe they are crying. But that doesnt explain the happy demeanor.
Maybe they were focusing so much on remembering their lines... there is a thing about actors who are so engrossed into playing their part that they
fail to react naturally to unexpected events. I learned about that from watching Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey JR. What is described by watson is
very similar to what you see happening here.
It is obviously NOT the same girl. Get a grip, take a deep breath, and calm down. I agree the beheading vid looks staged, but those are clearly two
different girls. Get your eyes checked pal.