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CNN and Choice Coverage

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posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 04:32 PM
I'm sitting here watching CNN just because its fun to hear their version of the lies and then a piece comes up about how this man decided to join the Genocide Platoons over in Iraq (He joined the army).... thats all fine and everything, but this man is homeless, so he decided to go and fight and perhaps die.... Where do you think homeless/minority people get dispatched? The worst places, why are they choosing to air this? They downplay their message by making it look like a good thing, like wow those homeless people are finally DOING something, the sad thing is we're unaware of how many of these people are just sent on death missions, and besides that fact... he's finally doing something, right? Why is it thats the easiest choice available? It seems we have wars every now and then, awhole bunch of people from both sides die, control is shifted (mostly into the same persons other hand) and afterwards more problems arise mentally and biologically, more diseases of both mental and viral... more deaths, more planned population control...
So now when you go outside and see a homeless person, are you gonna yell at them and tell them they should go join the army? and fight for the country that put them on the street?


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