a reply to:
An interesting take on it, but I know what bull# is. Just like the chicken and egg question its not a mystery. Bull# is the manure of the human
psyche with which new things grow and are cultivated in. Yup! Its just like farming, you need a whole lot of manure to help plants grow, so everything
is left to stew, fermented and broken down into the finest grade A, manure/# then spread over the areas were new crops will grow.
What we have here is just that your picture of bull# is kind of weak and lackluster. Bull# is what all of society is based on, bull# may just be the
essence of the soul. And so here to help you better imagine the magnanimous glory of bull#...Picture this...Just imagine some french guy standing
next to a pile of bull# and puckering his lips and blowing a kiss with his hand, all the while going "Ah! C'est magnifique le bull#"...As you can
see, its aged quite well you see.
I am quite sure you get it now.
So it is with humans, the bull# they produce will help grow new crops of human types and psyches, every generation has its bull#, and every other
generation before that had there bull#, and the list of bull# is ever growing and mixing into ever new types of bull#. Bull# is not only the glue
which holds us all together, and holds all of civilization together, but its the pure raw icky material broken down to its finest grade molecule per
molecule to which the human psyche happily rolls around in like a ever gracious piglet in a new pigsty, and as it ever grows and expands on its
nutritious sustenance.
Of course there is a fine balance to it, to much bull# and things will get spoiled and the world will drown in bull#, but to little bull# and
nothing new will grow leading to the end of the world as we know it, and the generation which has no bull#? Well the bull# will not be strong with
them and they will likely go extinct. The secret off course is in having just the right amount of bull# to help things along. And so here is were
your bull# meter comes along from, people dont just say it because its a cool thing to say, OK OK they do, but unbeknownst to them that phrase and
meme has a purpose. Its not there to measure who has more bull# or who's bull# is better, its there to measure just the right amount of bull#, and
generation to generation that amount varies, its a very complicated piece of machinery which would take to long to explain.
But anyways! Every generation think they are the ones with the most bull#, or that they alone have reached the pinnacle of bull#, however that's
just plain bull# and there wrong. Most of them are merely average in bull#, its just that nobody has informed them of that fact, so they think there
the greatest bull#ers in all of history, when really there quite mediocre, and the greatest bull#ers created history as a bull# story on there day off
just for #s and giggles, and yes it was all created in six days.
The mysteries of bull# are many, and likely for another time and place. But as you can see it's not a closed loop, its just that everybody covets
there own bull# over other bull# and as being the best bull# ever, hence giving the illusion of a closed loop. But the bull# always finds a way and
flourishes. Its like a butterfly metamorphosis, only generally involving more smelly intoxicating fragrances of the poop variety.