posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:52 PM
I don't like the idea. Those kinds of humanity controls usually lead to other restrictions of life. Life age limits, euthanasia of the ones that
don't fit in, sterilization of those who don't have the license, family size limits. Have you ever heard about Godwin's Law and the famous name
behind it?
No matter what the statistics are, birth rates or whatever, don't panic. There are death rates too. There are natural disasters, manmade accidents,
diseases, and wars. There is never the problem of too many people, it's just not having enough intelligence or lifestyle management skills that
grows with the numbers. Whenever it gets to too many people, some kill off the others. The selective popular by design eugenic idea, isn't that
just some killing off the others anyways, with some scientific-looking, mistaken for authority by the young and stupid, they must be smart because
they're doctors, government impostors, while subverting the whole debate on deeds, merit, and willpower? I think the world might be better off
without those scientists that endorse society editing (then next are those that devote their lives to looking at asteroids in deep space - you mean
the telescope can stay but maxine gets sterilized? shut up, your degree just made it to the fire pit). They are nothing but educated dictators when
they theorize death on their terms. My idea is, if you have the body parts to reproduce, and the wherewithal to make more, the chemistry to have
something follow through in, and then the talent to make them function and grow up without dying, wow, that's a feat that not everybody is so brave
to do these days. What? Children? Oh my goodness, is it possible with the economy and the politics and the career and the video game hobby?
Again, overpopulation is a myth. Undersocialization with many more people is the problem. GREED.