posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 11:52 AM
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Text Nearly 100% of seeds spoil after being submerged in water for two to four days. There'd only be a handful of plants and all animal life would
have died out in the resulting famine if there was a global 150 day flood.
Out of that 100% what percent does survive being submerged two to four days? The way I understand this is that the water rose upwards but at what
rate they rose is not told. It may have been only enough to drown the life which fled to the high points of the earth. It only takes a matter of a
few minutes to drown life. That I can only assume (if the flood is true).
The biblical account says that the water prevailed 150 days but as the water gradually receded the floating debris would settle and repopulate its
species. That along with the wind currents would also carry seeds and pollen of various vegetation throughout the world.
I have noted the great river floods of several years ago and how the water would stay flooded for well over three months and as the land dried the
vegetation was reinstated in a matter of a few days or weeks. Of course this was not salt water but the great oceans beneath our present oceans also
played a part in this theology. It was those oceans of the great deep that actually caused much of this flood.
The force required to raise the sea bed over 8000m would break the Earth in two - and it no longer exist. Tectonic plates and rock formations allow
us to determine past heights and locations of mountains etc to a high degree of accuracy.
Tectonic Theology would not be the same before the food as after the flood. This science which is applicable today may not have existed in that time.
This is explained as when the fountains of the deep were broken up. I assume this means that the subterranean world was shattered into plates or
pieces and the subterranean oceans heaved up and out of their confinements. Geologists can estimate present day dating (Theory) but can never really
factually state the birth of a mountain. That simply is not true even though taught.
Using ventilation shafts would mean the boat isn't water tight. Wood cannot withstand the tensile stresses and strains of a boat big enough -
there's a reason ships over a certain size have to be made of metal.
Not true at all. All great ships are water proof but have air to breath even below decks. Even prior to electric fans and air conditioning the sea
worthy ships were inhabited in their holds. The Ark had a top covering and had windows beneath the covering and with the high winds which accompanied
the flood was adequate ventilation for the entire ark.
I do agree that biblical theology is not biblical science even though some of the bible involves proven science while a great deal remains theology.
I don't know if I made this clear but for the record what we have discussed is all theology. Not facts.
God is all theology also. I guess we shall all realize that truth when we suck our last breath.