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Bigfoot ATS members thoughts and comments. What have we learned?

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posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Cogito, Ergo Sum
Thanks you !

And great post! All that you said has past my thoughts to the "T"

One way to (if one is interest) really get into this subject is to reads all the classic bigfoot books they can. Some are listed here

The older the books the better then move up to newer ones written by good researchers like Loren Coleman, who has

some really good books out that covers all types of large (and small) creatures like bigfoot. Very good stuff in his books.

One can click here to find them all

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:14 AM
Just found this..posted yesterday

"Published on Aug 20, 2014

Check out a collection of some of the most compelling bigfoot video evidence ever collected. | For more Finding Bigfoot, visit"

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:34 AM
Another recent film posted : Sasquatch Sighting near Squamish ( August 16, 2014 )

Published on Aug 19, 2014
After hiking to the top of Panorama Ridge near Black Tusk Mountain, we spotted what appears to be a Sasquatch, Yeti or Bigfoot type animal.

I wish they could have zoom in on this. What could be running down a mountain (or walking real fast) in the middle of nowhere??
***This was shot on an iPhone 5s ZOOMED IN to maximum.***

We estimate the sighting to be about 2km away. Our gut feeling was that is was not human based on the amount of rugged land it covered & the way it was moving down the glacier.

We are hoping that someone who has had similar encounters can justify the video!

GPS coordinates of the sighting :

49.966310,-123.016615 "

Oh..they say the "F" word ..FYI for you sensitive types

edit on 21-8-2014 by RUFFREADY because: F word

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 12:25 PM
A vid I watched, or should say listened to last night..

It's quite long but features the best bits from an audio recorder this fella left on a rock, with various other items.

The best bit is how the BF responds to the sandwich, about 17:40 .

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 06:55 PM
We assume that these beings are similar to us, which they may not be. Yes, they may have 2 legs and 2 arms but we dont know what their capabilities are.

We go out looking for them with IR cameras to try and catch images of them on the trails in the forest, yet we dont know if they can see into the IR spectrum. If they can, it is like asking them to come into a spotlight of IR light to be photographed. How ridiculous is that? Maybe this is why we have not trail cameras which have caught them on film?

The programs I have seen about Bigfoot have been a camera crew and a few folks going out for a couple of days, but I feel that a serious search for Bigfoot will need to spend at least a week in the woods waiting and watching quietly like you would with a wild animal which had not been photographed. In my opinion most people have been searching for a quick-solution and have not thrown enough time and money at the problem to find a proper solution.

Like Jane Goodall and gorillas, with a good tracker and enough time we should be able to get the required photographs of them.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 08:29 PM
Just a FYI

Searching for Bigfoot

Premiere Date:August 22, 2014 - 10:00-11:00PM ET

Link to info :

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: RUFFREADY

I watched last night. Not bad. Had the UFO angle in there and other crazy theories. You can watch the whole thing soon on-line at that link I put in previous post..and the other episodes.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 02:42 AM
a reply to: beansidhe
I totally agree, I think it would be no different than caging a human for display.
These things know about us, and avoid us at all costs. Sadly I think it won't stop though until someone has a trophy and protections are put in place for them.

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 03:19 AM
Bigfoot is one of the "classics" in cryptozoology, there is, as always not one evidence of his existence and at the same time thousands of stories about him. But why all this? Because it's in peoples nature to think "oh look, a spooky forest, must be a wild unknown creature in there...". You will find this phenomenon all around the world. Everywhere there are folks that tell their stories of monsters, and researchers will find "evidences" for what they were searching for.

It's true, there are things we don't understand now, but it's always the same old story of "believers" and sceptics.
When you go into the forest and look for Bigfoot, you'll definitely find something that looks like Bigfoot traces or even Bigfoot himself to you. But in reality it's just something very usual like a bear or a dear.

However, I don't want to say there is no Bigfoot, Sasquatch or something of that kind deep in the forests of the US, maybe will find him one day, but honestly, if I was him I would try to hide as long as possible from humanity. And besides there are so many hoaxes and fake evidences that it's really difficult to make proper scientific researches on that.

PS: please excuse my grammar, I'm from Austria (mention there are no kangaroos in Austria

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 09:42 AM
The Craven Bigfoot Footage - Bigfoot Saskatchewan Breakdown

New today

edit on 29-8-2014 by RUFFREADY because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: qmantoo
We assume that these beings are similar to us, which they may not be. Yes, they may have 2 legs and 2 arms but we dont know what their capabilities are.

We go out looking for them with IR cameras to try and catch images of them on the trails in the forest, yet we dont know if they can see into the IR spectrum. If they can, it is like asking them to come into a spotlight of IR light to be photographed. How ridiculous is that? Maybe this is why we have not trail cameras which have caught them on film?

The programs I have seen about Bigfoot have been a camera crew and a few folks going out for a couple of days, but I feel that a serious search for Bigfoot will need to spend at least a week in the woods waiting and watching quietly like you would with a wild animal which had not been photographed. In my opinion most people have been searching for a quick-solution and have not thrown enough time and money at the problem to find a proper solution.

Like Jane Goodall and gorillas, with a good tracker and enough time we should be able to get the required photographs of them.
I joined the forum because of this post.

And the majority, if not all of the researchers, are out in the forests making all sorts of noise, knocking on trees and making calls. BF is probably standing out behind a tree rolling his eyes!!

I think people just need to sit quietly someplace for weeks at a time, being very calm and mellow.

Nobody has to convince me they are out there. I have spent a lot of time in the woods tromping around and unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I have never seen one. I did have an experience last month in the Gifford Pinchot forest near Mt. St Helens. We, my husband and I, were walking along a quite overgrown, seldom used trail heading to the Cowlitz River. Something was following us and watching us, we couldn't see anything, but we could hear it. I know this sounds like nothing, but I had such a strong sense of pure fear, I can't even describe it.

I have a good friend who has been an avid hunter for over 50 years. We live in Washington State in the foothills of Mt. Rainier. He has seen a Sasquatch and that confirms it for me.

I just hope one doesn't have to be killed to verify they are out there for people.

And I do think the Patterson film is the real deal.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: GreasyLobster
Bigfoot is one of the "classics" in cryptozoology, there is, as always not one evidence of his existence and at the same time thousands of stories about him. But why all this? Because it's in peoples nature to think "oh look, a spooky forest, must be a wild unknown creature in there...". You will find this phenomenon all around the world. Everywhere there are folks that tell their stories of monsters, and researchers will find "evidences" for what they were searching for.

It's true, there are things we don't understand now, but it's always the same old story of "believers" and sceptics.
When you go into the forest and look for Bigfoot, you'll definitely find something that looks like Bigfoot traces or even Bigfoot himself to you. But in reality it's just something very usual like a bear or a dear.

However, I don't want to say there is no Bigfoot, Sasquatch or something of that kind deep in the forests of the US, maybe will find him one day, but honestly, if I was him I would try to hide as long as possible from humanity. And besides there are so many hoaxes and fake evidences that it's really difficult to make proper scientific researches on that.

PS: please excuse my grammar, I'm from Austria (mention there are no kangaroos in Austria

What about the plaster casts of their feet and hands? That is evidence and pretty good evidence too that they exist.
I do not understand why folks dont go out and stay in the forest for a week or so rather than making a short trip solely for TV purposes. They make so much noise that it is obvious that Bigfoot will not appear. However, if they sat quietly like watching wildlife, they would probably see and film them.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 04:12 PM
I was listening to a dr Melba Ketchum talking on coasttocoast am a few nights ago.
She seems to get bashed by a lot of people out there but in my opinion I think this
Lady has proof of its existence but it seems she's being silenced.

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 02:34 PM
The scale of eyewitness testimony, especially from law enforcement, is quite compelling. However, the total absence of any biological evidence is rather disconcerting.

Do Bigfeet really grind up the bones of their dead to dust?

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 09:55 AM
Two unusual sources: 1) in his travelogue on his journeys in Asia, Dr. Caicedo, a psychiatrist and the founder of sophrology, tells that in a Tibetan monastery he was told that the creature does exist, and 2) in the Ra Material, now "the Law of One", many things are said about it, including this: that it finds shelter in very deep caves (which makes it a modern-day caveman). If capturing one is impossible, this is because it's telepathic and can sense people at a distance. Bigfoot hunters, please cease and desist. You're squandering your time. It communicates with and receives aid from the ET visitors when in need of food. It has a benevolent nature. It's something like the "missing link", halfway between apes and humans, the final outcome of experiments to obtain a hardy hybrid long before Atlantean times, when scientists thought that environmental conditions would get worse and there was a need for a race that would tolerate them. If all this sounds outrageous then blame Ra & Co. for all or most of it.

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