posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 12:28 PM
As others have mentioned.....a bit pricey for simple curiosity .....but if one is about ready to plunk down mega bucks for a house, it might be nice
to know.
The old home place my folks owned had been owned by a half dozen different people since it was built just after the turn of the century.......and
after them living there for 40 plus years we found out (Ancestry searches) that the first owner had a child that died of illness while they lived
there....and that owner had later been killed on the railroad in a neighboring town, and his body probably returned to the house for his bad vibes seemed to linger from either.
My Dad later died there in his sleep, while in his recliner in front of the fireplace...... would that be enough to bother a possible buyer? I
certainly would not conceal it if they were to ask.....