posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 11:53 PM
Umm, everyone should watch this documentary:
Frontline - Suicide
The method Robin took smacks of psychological torture that simply couldn't be stood any longer along with hitting a breaking point. Any planning at
all would have allowed him to come up with other methods.
I personally support an adult's choice to 'go out' whenever they want to, provided that society learns to talk about this taboo subject and take
all other steps as possible to find other solutions.
My knowing system (not belief, but knowing) is that we all have uncountable numbers of lives. Checking out of this one a bit early may leave a mess
in your wake for your survivors, but it doesn't change the trajectory of your own soul and it's no sin.
What I find the most sad, perhaps, is if his problems were somewhat financial, that he didn't simply ask for help. There are millions of people the
world over who would have helped and would have been gratified to have been able to do so. A Kickstarter program to 'Help Robin' would have brought
the world together in a heartwarming way. Maybe he didn't feel he was important enough with everything else going on in the world, maybe things were
too dark inside him to see that he could ask.
Mentioned in another thread: Williams said he took coke to slow down; that and his 'always on' persona smacks of a completely differently wired
neurological system; I don't think he could shut it down, even to sleep and its easy to see this as a form of torture. It looked like genius, and it
was; it was also a neurological condition that sadly may have been helped if he had gone to the right people. Neurotransmitters stuck in high gear
can be countered, just like hearing voices or manic depression can be.