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'Evil Eye' Box and Other Ancient Treasures Found in Nile River Cemetery

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posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 01:00 PM
This is cool, ATS. Archaelogists have uncovered a Nile River cemetary after local villagers uncovered the find in 2002 while digging a ditch.

Archaeologists excavated several of the underground tombs, finding artifacts such as a silver ring, engraved with an image of a god, and a faience box, decorated with large eyes, which a researcher believes protected against the evil eye.

Evil Eye? This cemetary dates to a time when a kingdom called Kush ruled in Sudan.

The tombs in the cemetery yielded other treasures, including a faience box, decorated with what the ancient Ku#es and Egyptians called "udjat" eyes — "a well-known tradition in Egypt," Bashir said, noting that the Ku#es also made use of them. "It had a kind of ritual role to [protect] from the evil eye," Bashir said.

In the cemetery archaeologists also found an interesting "party tray," which consists of seven bowls attached together; six of the bowls surround another bowl in the middle. "It's very unique, and we don't have any kind of similar object found anywhere else," Bashir said. "It can be used for food. You can put seven different items in one place."

I've heard of this Kush kingdom before but I don't know much about it except that it rivaled ancient Egypt. It's cool nonetheless, so what says ATS?

posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: lostbook

Cool. Thanks for sharing. I have nothing to contribute.

Is there a curse?!?

Maybe the curse will be the "great power" will have a female leader.

posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: lostbook

I wonder if there is any other information out there on this type of box?

(taken from your link)

I think that is very cool!


I am assuming this is the box in question. It doesn't really look like a box though.

I did a quick search and found this:

Most of these symbols were used to represent specific religious beliefs and rituals - kind of like how we use crosses on rosaries, or the crescent moon and a star on flags, or the star of David on pendants. Egyptian Symbols Khamsa The ancient Egyptians used symbols for protection, just like in modern Egypt with our own set of symbols – such as the "Khamsa", which is a palm (sometimes with an eye in the middle) that we wear as a pendant for protection against the evil eye. They also believed in the magical quality of symbolism, using them not only for protection, but also for luck and prosperity. Some of them were used throughout all of Egypt, regardless of cults and traditions of the time or area; some were specific to Upper Egypt, and some were specific to Lower Egypt. They were worn on amulets, inscribed on sarcophagi, painted on tombs and carved on temple walls. Egyptian symbols have become so popular that they are now favorites at some tattoo parlors! In this section you will find some of the most significant symbols from ancient Egypt, their uses, and what they represented.

It has a few symbols on the link.

I find this all very interesting.
I have my own personal interest in the symbol of the eye,
particularly when it comes in the palm of a hand.

edit on 13-8-2014 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: Darkblade71

Evil Eye box? Looks more like the Sinister Mustache box too me!

posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Yeah, the mustache is kind of weird...

Reminds me of the villain who ties the girl to the railroad tracks.
It needs a tall black hat.

edit on 13-8-2014 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 06:24 PM
To add to the mustache mystery on this box, I found a few sites that had some interesting things to say about ancient Egypt and facial hair.

Fact 2: Nobody would grow a mustache or beard in Ancient Egypt because facial hair was considered unhygienic and unfashionable !

Fact 3: If someone had facial hair in Ancient Egypt, he was either from the poorest of the poor or a foreigner

Fact 4: Nearly all the beards worn by pharaohs that you see in museums are fake

Taken from:To Beard or Not to Beard, Pt 1:Egyptian beards

According to these facts, Egyptians shaved themselves to have no facial hair or beards as they were considered to be unsanitary. The Pharaoh had a fake beard.

While looking around, the most written about mustache in ancient Egypt seems to belong to Rahotep.

Maybe this box is somehow connected to Rahotep?
I read in one of the places I was looking around in that statues with mustaches are rare.

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