a reply to:
I never 'summoned' that experience. It came to me. I had no knowledge of any of this prior to that experience. But the next time it happened I wasn't
afraid at all. In fact, when it happens, I almost relish the feeling of struggle it provides. They won't take me alive sort of thing.
When you do that, it stops. Laugh at these things truly. As a human you are one of the most, dare I say 'divine', products of this reality. But when
you truly give into the fear over and over, it seems to become a regular occurrence for many people - that seems to be the key.
I'm pretty sure I've already paid the price. Whatever happened that night, it felt to me like a warning or a sign. It was of some significance. It led
to a lot of soul-searching, reflection and ultimately pain. But I needed that.
And some time after, I had this euphoric experience where I felt my eyes close automatically, a snake entity appear dead face-on with me in my mind's
vision, and then it 'consumed' something from me.
Like seriously man, it was an undoubtable experience, and was followed by an extremely strange momentary feeling of emptiness.
It TOOK something from me, metaphorically or literally - it doesn't really matter. But after the initial negative vibe, I felt unbelievably
rejuvenated. Cleared. In tune with my soul again. I was suddenly back on a path, and shortly over time my 'awareness' of this universe and what it
means to be alive really came to fruition.
I can't explain it. There's a certain magic I feel with almost every passing moment of this experience. From the moment I step into work and say 'good
morning' and smile/have a laugh with the first person I see, to the moment before I 'plug' out of this place at night - I could simply cry at the
sheer beauty of the experience we are given.
And at the same time, my 'awareness' of the suffering in this world has taken me to a point where I cannot stand it much longer. But I've also come to
understand the necessity and consequence of the human 'free-will'.
It's like ever since those experiences, I see more and more lines of the picture, where as before I was literally just part of the picture, ultimately
acting out to forces beyond my control. Ah, it really is hard to put such a subjective experience into an objective description that does it
My first true memory on this Earth was walking up some stairs in our high-rise to our flat, holding my dad's hand. I must have been no older than 3 or
4. I remember it like the moment I first 'woke up' in this world. I saw two kids, and they were torturing/crushing this huge mantis/grasshopper on the
handrail of the stair way.
And they were enjoying it, so much. The memory of them was almost demonic. They were laughing and bathing in that other life's pain. I couldn't
believe. It was such an alien concept to my soul. I instantly started crying and asked my dad 'why?'.
I ended up growing up in a war, and then a very bad urban area. The years changed my MIND greatly, which in essence took over what I knew myself to
be. I wasn't that same pure soul that had entered this world. My love had taken a big hit.
And yet... After that sleep paralysis and following snake experience, I feel I am that kid again. I'm my soul again. I control my thoughts. I try
everything in my power to exert my 'soul' over the mind. Whatever that thing 'consumed', it free'd me of something negative that had been holding me
back greatly.
You can only imagine how bewildered I was to find out the wealth of material relating to these topics dating back to the dawn of humanity. Further
more so when I read just how many people had similar experiences naturally and through the use of shamanic substances.
A product of mind or reality, it doesn't matter. There's something meaningful to all of this one way or another, that's for sure.
Of course, the alternative theories are that all these things are negative and that snake probably consumed my soul lol. Somehow though, I just don't
think that's the case.
edit on 13-8-2014 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)