posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:11 PM
Dusk and dawn , or first light lastlight as it's known is traditionally the time most favorable to offensive operations, due to the targets probable
change from a day to night routine or vica versa and as such not as organised or prepared, night vision aids is an example I often use to describe
the attacking force stands ready to strike at last light in night vision aids, the defending side are struck at dusk thus not fully prepared to fight
a night battle
The same example can be used for lunar and solar cycles, more so lunar .
Moonstate will dictate effectiveness of night vision aids as all they simply do is amplify the AVAILABLE light, so biiger moon better night vision
If I have generation 1 nva's and a crescent moon (small) I could be very effective against an enemy with no nva's
A fuller moon not so much
If I have gen 4 and the enemy has gen 2 my NVA'S favour a darker night
Where as a lighter night differences are somewhat less
Hope this helps