posted on Aug, 8 2014 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to:
I do agree with what you say, especially about the disabled and the way the money we paid into the system to have benefits for those who need them
seems to have been squandered over a very long time.
I do feel that being governed by men like cameron is useless for the public as he doesn't and wouldn't want to I suspect relate to a normal life for
those living on the pittance he thinks is adequate benefit or the minimum wage. Regardless of his top-notch education he clearly doesn't understand
the meaning of 'minimum' and has never experienced i a min imal lifestyle for himself and his family.
This is where his talking to the media about the 'Big Society' needs to be quantified as sure, in Brtitain the benefits for the rich are 'Big
Society standard,' albeit they might have some of their income taxed in the UK, but for the general public and today pretty much of the middle
-upper classes, the cost of living and the withdrawal of the various benefits we aqll once enjoyed are being stealthily eroded or removed.
Another area his 'Big Society' fails the people its aimed at is with people leaving prison. In prison he has not put in any useful means of further
education, in fact finance for courses has been cut to the minimum. Everything is being done to ensure that offenders will have to reoffend as they
come out literally as they went in without any decent form of training to get them back into the big society. Also their crimes due to cameron's
delightful name and shame, which he doesn 't apply to his fellow politicians who committed expense fraud and the bankers etc, ensures that a prison
leaver cannot get a job without their past misdemeanours literally stamped on their foreheads. For a number of new offenders, they cannot get back
into the big society, even if they try to ensure their cars, belongings or whatever, the insujrance companies n ow exploit people with records and
charge much higher premiums, which is detrimental to someone trying to start back in society. A lady who had done 6 months in prison told me she did
manage to do a computer course, but the software she learned on was 2003 and earlier, so pretty useless for many of today's companys' so she
couldn't get a job with the training she had, even with firms willing to try her out because she hadn't been trained to todays' software etc.
I will be very interested were Scotland to have the ba--s to go it alone and leave the UK because I would like to see cameron's outline for the Big
Society once he is only governmening NI, Wales and England. I want our country to get out of the wasting of tax payers money the elite carry out and
see them all gravitate to some other country with a far higher status than England. I think we would all do much better and I wish the Scots good
luck - but please go for us to benefit from a fairer society - big or not.