posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 10:06 PM
Its completely normal. A lot of people who see "static", a sort of visual difference that interferes with seeing light. You can see the same "static -
fog" when you close your eyes. About 1/8, from my own observation can see this static. Since it is not your eyes seeing it but it it overlays with
what your eyes do, must people simply ignore it as nothing.
I ignored it for along time, since the outside world convinced me I was seeing nothing. The bubbles, orbs and entities that manifest themselves as
vacancies in the static, are not an easy thing to make out. If you learn to pay attention to the things moving in the static, you will start to be
able to more quickly identify them.
Your son is right, whatever all the things are that move about, they are everywhere all the time, in a great variety and have different expected
animations. The only reason I know I'm right now, is that I found three other people who see the same exact thing as me. Also if I try hard, I can
capture some of their essence in photos.
Just so you know, I just can see these things. What they are, I have no way of finding out or testing it. Best advice I could tell you, is tell him he
is wrong. Very few people will be able to relate to his observations and no one will have answers for him. If he doesn't have the urge to explore it,
he wont be alienated by the majority. Being able to see these things, has never benefited me in anyway, or taught me anything... they are just
edit on 180Saturday20809-05:00Sat, 09 Aug 2014 22:20:35 -0500201408America/Chicago by blindprometheus because: Added advice