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This is England - Armed police on routine patrol

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posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: Danny85

I hope you aren't an atheist either. Otherwise the UK national anthem represents more than one problem to you

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 01:54 AM
Can you check out this link, what do you see as far as similar uniforms, caps included.

a reply to: DISRAELI

edit on 7-8-2014 by keenasbro because: to add link

edit on 7-8-2014 by keenasbro because: to add link

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: keenasbro

Scarily similar ...

I think the idea is to look more militant

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 02:47 AM
this is England ?


arm all police with spears - and have them scream " this is Sparta " every time they impale someone

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: countingdown

Seems to be a Scottish thing.
I suspect it's tied in to the independence vote.

The 'elite' want Scotland as a refuge in the coming world crisis. Their intention is to acclimatise the Scottish public to seeing cops with guns. Then they want to bring in their private security forces wearing the same uniform and shunt the over-trusting peasants into concentration camps. Job done.

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Danny85

Edinburgh is Jerusalem. Or rather Jerusalem is incorrectly called Edinburgh.

This book tells all. I can get you a copy for a hefty sum.

edit on 7 8 2014 by Kester because: remove bad link

edit on 7 8 2014 by Kester because: add good link

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 02:36 PM
I don't mean to derail the thread but he did ask about Jerusalem.

As for the guns. What really is the justification for open carry? I can't see any justification, and I'm a supporter of openly armed police, in the right places.

Guns in cars are more understandable. We don't see them, till we're caught in a nasty situation and they come screaming to the rescue, hopefully.

posted on Aug, 8 2014 @ 05:17 PM

The 'elite' want Scotland as a refuge in the coming world crisis. Their intention is to acclimatise the Scottish public to seeing cops with guns. Then they want to bring in their private security forces wearing the same uniform and shunt the over-trusting peasants into concentration camps. Job done.
a reply to: Kester

It seems that I stand corrected ... at the risk of derailing i need to ask a question you may be able to answer

Scottish independence, is it total independence? border control, new passports, army, et al? - Just trying to get handle on your statement

As to the gun thing its already in use in Northern Ireland
and I found this

In October 2000, Nottinghamshire Police introduced regular armed patrols to the St Ann's and Meadows estates in Nottingham, in response to fourteen drug-related shootings in the two areas in the previous year.[9] Although the measure was not intended to be permanent, patrols were stepped up in the autumn of 2001 after further shootings,[10] after which the firearms crime declined dramatically.[11]

"The measure was not intended to be permanent" -

meaning it was made permanant??

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: countingdown

All we can be sure about regarding Scottish independence is the politicians are lying. I'm told YES is the correct way to go. Looking at the horrors that have resulted from trust in a particular brand of politics being better than that which has gone before, great care is needed following the vote.

This is from The Economist. "Violence in general is dropping. But the fall in gun crime is especially steep. The number of offences involving guns dropped by 16% last year, whereas the number of crimes involving knives (which have only been properly recorded since 2010) fell by just 5%. The biggest improvements have been in places where gun crime once seemed uncontrollable. In both Manchester, once nicknamed “Gunchester,” and Nottingham, gun crime has fallen by almost half since 2006."

If this is true Improvements have been made. Incorrect record keeping may be clouding the issue. James Patrick has alerted us to crime figure manipulation in the Met. This video has an interesting snippet from 42 to 44 minutes.
Particularly interesting that the mention of Freemasonry is immediately followed by knocking then an instruction delivered into the chairmans earpiece to stop discussion of that subject.

If untruths are used to justify open carry the real reasons must be too shameful to admit. Watch this one like a hawk.
edit on 9 8 2014 by Kester because: spelling

edit on 9 8 2014 by Kester because: condense

When I say an instruction delivered into the chairmans earpiece I'm guessing his sotto voice "Yes O.K." is a response to that instruction.
edit on 9 8 2014 by Kester because: addition

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: Kester

I wont get a chance to hear the video untill tomorrow .... but I will check it over - thanks

When they refer to gun or knife crime (whichever way it goes) do they include crimes where the person is carrying an unlicenced firearm or a blade over the legal length - just a thought.

With regard politicians, you can tell when they're lying because thier face makes a noise - i dont trust any them anywhere


posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: countingdown

And would William Wallace get done for the lightning coming out of his rrse? Oops sorry, wrong thread.

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