Was thinking of popping over to Joshua Tree to attend 2014's Circus...err... Contact in the Desert. Looking at the website the most interesting thing
I could find to attend was the Pool at the conference location.
Whilst there maybe a few Conspiracy ‘Celebrities’ I'd be interested in hearing such as Jim Mars, George Noory, Nick Pope (more form a
rubbernecking at a carcrash experience) otherwise I don’t see the point in this UFO expo. Unless it is states to be the money making branding
exercise it really is. Then I can take it a bit more seriously.
Leads me to ask; Why do Conspiracy Theorists or UFOoligists lower themselves to present or attend this money making sideshow? Unless low is where they
are already dwelling? There are god few people in this field I have any interest in, one is highlighted in the latter part of my post.
Expos make money, there is no denying they are a good way to promote yourself or a product. The fact they manage to roll this show out year after year
is proof the producers make profitable commission and sales from accommodation, the fee for exhibiting trinkets such as UFO Art, Jewelry DVDs etc,
then there are the fees to attend celebrity UFO Conspiracy Theory sessions. I call them UFobreties. I’m not sure where people get the money
to attend the conference then pay for the additional sessions by the presenter.
There is certainly NO disclosure of anything new. The ridiculousness of people like Wilcock and Greer who show up with Body Guards on display to
promote some 'men in black are after me' branding simply add to the farcical displays UFOLogy has become. Why pay for that circus? Surely Cirque De
Soleil is better?
I chortled when I saw Erich von Däniken will present, debunked so many times, and a failed Ancient Aliens Theme park later we still have people
paying to hear him? Wait for it, this time, VD will claim after an already debunked mistranslation on the sarcophagi of the Apis bulls contained
cross-species genetic hybrids.
Then we have Giorgio Tsoukalos, who gallops about the country performing his dressage routine with coiffed show pony hair mane, and a powerpoint
presentation revealing, well nothing. To his credit his hair and statement “Aliens!” has become a internet sensation.
Then there's “Dreamland science reporter ” Linda Moulton Howe, the cattle mutilation queen, will tell attendees that ancient stone temples are
actually terraforming machines for ET visiting earth. Bless her, I like her stories, but I’m not paying to see and hear fantasy fiction. I can get
the book for less.
Zecharia Sitchin gets a in memorium even though he died some time ago and he has been proven to have made up his Sumerian translations that started
all this Nibiru nonsense.
Serious research has been replaced by reality TV type personalities. Science takes a back seat. Why would any serious scientist WANT to be involved in
this area? Aliens or UFOs hardly make a mention its more about how the government has an agenda blah blah in order to perpetuate fear tactics much
like governments use themselves on their people. We get ancient bloodline and anti Semitic rants factoring their way in and that is just fear tactics.
Yep thats right, the people who are looked up to to disclose information simply use the same tactics used on the citizenry in the past in moments such
as the red under the bed hysteria.
Most of these Conspiracy Theorist present nothing tactile and simply have learned a very good lesson from the “PTB” how to instill fear and get a
reaction from the public. They get you interested in UFOLogy by ‘disclosing’ all sorts of governmental and religious intrigues and zero
People should stick to H2 channel to get their fix of these fantastical tales, they don’t need to see these puppet clowns in the flesh and waste the
pound, dollar, shekels or gravy.
They trivialize the phenomena into science fiction or fantasy and present agenda driven evidence all designed to line ones own pocket.
There are a few individual UFO Theorists I pay interest in, they claim nothing as “disclosure or proof” , but want to research, they are not on
the UFO gravy train but have a genuine interest in the field from a scientific standpoint, and we need more of them.
One of the people is all round great guy and visual effects LEGEND Douglas Trumball. He has a project called UFOTOG trying photograph UFOs using
state of the art photography. He sees the true wander of life in this chaotic universe and that there maybe more of it out there and he hopes he can
capture it for humanity.
Trumball has worked on some of the biggest movies of our time, you all would know his visual work. I have spoken with him and he doesn’t not want to
the UFO world to bombard him with answers he cannot manage. He just wants to take pictures.
Instead, any activity he captures will be loaded to his site so have look at the link when you can for someone who is researching and not rolling
himself out at events spewing the same rubbish. Trumball is wanting to capture objects not visible to the naked eye and then use scientific analysis
to quantify the wavelengths and spectra of light emitted by known and unknown objects. UFTOG is unique and true and will be supported by scientific
To see the camera he invented and patented watch this video here ☺ Its kinda amazing!
The world of UFO conspiracy is littered with celebrities that bring next to nothing to the fore. A desert wasteland of dithering UFobreties. We
have a small beacon of light with men like Douglas who look for no fame and fortune and as a result what we will see from him wont be biased nor
falsified nor ludicrous.
If he was taking donations which he is not, I'd send him my $49.95 instead of UFOs Wild West Showesque sideshow.
Is there someone you want to share with us who isn't a UFOebrity? Let the quiet ones and their research be heard please link us to them.
Contact in the Desert, my foot. Contact with my Bank Account maybe.
That said, I bet I’d have a blast at the show if not there’s always that pool…..
edit on 5-8-2014 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)
Then we have Giorgio Tsoukalos, who gallops about the country performing his dressage routine with coiffed show pony hair mane, and a powerpoint
presentation claiming, well nothing. To his credit his hair and statement “Aliens!” has become a internet sensation.
$49.99!! I think its because he has to pay his hair royalties for every time it or its likeness is used.
a reply to: zazzafrazz
While George Noory CAN be entertaining,I would not regard him as an expert on anything.He's just a talk show host! I've pretty much stopped
listening to him,as he seems more fascinated with angels and ghosts,or the occult.When he gets a real guest on,I listen,but most of the time it seems
like some amatuer hour show.
a reply to: zazzafrazz
While George Noory CAN be entertaining,I would not regard him as an expert on anything.He's just a talk show host! I've pretty much stopped
listening to him,as he seems more fascinated with angels and ghosts,or the occult.When he gets a real guest on,I listen,but most of the time it seems
like some amatuer hour show.
a reply to: zazzafrazz
Then there's Mike Bara ($24.99) who has no expertise in anything at all unless you count accusing his many critics of being homosexual.
For 24.99 you'll get about 100 slides showing over-zoomed Martian rocks, and Mike will swear they are really animals or bits of the terrestrial
technology of today. Nobody will ask why a super-race of Martians would have built a replica of a restaurant (the Theme at LAX) that would not have
been built until at least 1,000,000 years later.
Whoever said you'd be better off at the pool is right. You might see Laura Eisenhower in a bikini.
edit on 5-8-2014 by Asertus because: add
pool comment
Good thread zazza. You sum it up well. I would rather read about personal encounters and interpretations here on ATS than pay any attention to these
I sickens me to think that real scientific research and discovery in ufology takes a backseat to these frauds that make silly, outrageous claims and
even use deception to make a dollar.
Unfortunately, they have moved in to other areas such as the new age philosophies, NWO, corrupt governments, bankers...etc. Those of us that discuss
those sorts of topics are finding it hard to weed out what is fact or fiction because these people are spreading disinformation on those topics as
Am I getting this right? This conference has individual speakers that you have to pay to see? All the conferences I used to go to were one price,
either a conference price or a daily price, and then the sessions were held. All you needed was one badge. Now it's a 99 show (people trying to trick
someone that it's not fifty dollars for 49.99, etc., which I consider the worse form of hustling and never trust an individual or store that will do
that)? Or am I missing something.
edit on 5-8-2014 by Aleister because: (no reason given)
a reply to: Aleister
Hmm a little hard to work out. I think the celebrity workshops and intensives (whatever they are ) are sold separately? Amazingly the $400 pass is
sold out and the $475 has a few left...
Hey, there is another option though. You can send them your first-born and they will let you watch the presentation online. I once saw a presenter
charge around $300 to live stream their event.
You get bent over for information that is either made-up or free on places like ATS.
Researchers like these get paid money to speak their knowledge.
When truth holders get paid money to keep their mouths shut.
I always found the irony behind this quite amusing!
But in reality those listed above are nothing more then part of the entertainment industry, which is forever changing and greatly based on ratings
from cable channel television shows. If I were one of those above, why not profit off your 15 minutes of fame in the limelight. Priests, Rabbi's,
Politicians, theorists, Miley Cyrus and Stephen King have made careers off of it and nobody persecutes them. Well then again, maybe we still do
persecute them for it!
Convention centers don't let you use their building for free. Things cost money, as well at travel and lodging expenses. Also, people have to make a
living, and I can't imaging selling their books is doing it.