posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to:
Son of Will
Some people lack the ability to create certain enzymes to take vitamins, minerals, etc..out of vegetables. So without the meat they cannot get the
chemistry they need. One of those is vitamin K2. Some people cannot make this from the K1 in veggies, they need to consume it. You can call it a
genetic flaw, but the fact is it is not a problem if they eat meat. This is just a difference in people's genetic makeup. There are a lot of these
possible enzyme deficiencies.
Another thing is that they say there are only so many necessary amino acids(proteins) that people can't make. Some people can make some of these,
they have different metabolic functions. They may not have the ability to make some of the non-essential amino acids though. Some gut microbes make
these for us, along with processing a lot of minerals and vitamins into the proper chemistry for us. Some gut microbes, if the balance gets off, can
make us drunk all day long without even having a drink. That would save a lot of people money.
I can eat most veggies in moderation, I need to cook them though, the plant defense chemicals are a medicine to me, medicines can make you sick if you
take them all the time. I eat veggies when I crave them, I do not always listen to what others tell me is good. I have a lot more research on the
subject of foods in the body than a lot of professional people. I have also done self evaluation of how certain foods effect memory and thinking for
about four and a half years now. I was noticing that they effected me before that, but could not put anything together without research and actually
paying attention to mind clarity and side effects. So I started reading and experimenting on myself.
People mistakenly say they are allergic or intollerant to things without actually doing proper research and testing. I am intolerant to bread from
the store, but it is probably not gluten. I think it is the kind of yeast they use in many breads. It is not the bleached and bromated, it is not
the enriched vitamins in my case. I can eat sour dough breads most times. I can tollerate homemade breads made with red star yeast also, and if I
add a little barley and rye flower and wheat germ, I can eat a lot more. There are two intolerances to bread for me, both with different symptoms.
Now, the enzymes in rye do break down gluten a little so I cannot say gluten is not a problem. Rye also slows down the conversion of bread starches.
I have not found an answer other than if I make homemade bread a certain way, I can eat more. I am not satisfied with blaming things on the wrong