I've been posting quite a bit recently, and I had never really planned to formally introduce myself with a thread, but after some thought I have
decided that it is perhaps intellectually unfair to never do so. If one does not understand a who and what a person is, then one cannot possibly
understand that person's positions...
Hello, I am Hydeman. I am many things, including young, naive, and inexperienced, but I am also a student of geology in rural Appalachia. Growing
up, I was deeply moved by the beauty of the nature I saw around me, and my education in science has only compounded the beauty I now see around me. I
pity those who have never seen rural Appalachia as much as I envy those who live in large cities for their unique lifestyle.
Now, as I said, I study geology, being a rising senior in an established geology program, of which I have taken course on petrography, petrology,
hydrogeology, soil science, paleobiology of marine invertebrates, and countless others that are unnecessary for my degree (such is the extent of my
love and fascination for geology). I've also studied some psychology and sociology, as well as literature and some philosophy. In essence, I've
spent a lot of time trying to get a balanced understanding of my world, and will further spend a lot of time (and future wages) repaying my debts for
this education.
As such, I have little but my education to my name. What I do have is a large collection of rocks with unique mineral assemblages or structural
features and a large collection of Devonian trilobites that reflect the time that I have personally spent learning geology in the field, often in
whatever free time I may have (such is the extent of my love and fascination for geology
So why am I here? I have a great desire to understand the world around me, to understand the people who inhabit it. I wish to learn from you all and
in return I can offer you my limited experiences, my education (which some of you may feel is a form of brainwashing...), and my unique perspective as
a human on this Earth which we share.
This introduction is really to show my intent as an ATS member. I wish to offer my perspective, the perspective of a sheep in the system of science
education. I place great faith in the philosophy of science as a way to understand, model, and explain reality. As such, I intend to defend science
when it is attacked and clarify misinterpretations when I see them and can offer my limited experiences. Above all, I intend to listen to others and
learn from them, whether or not I agree with their conclusions or logic.
If anyone should have a question as to my motives, I do sincerely hope that this introduction clarifies my position and eases mutual understanding. I
greatly enjoy this forum, and I've seen the diversity of the members in the community, and for that I am grateful for membership.
Sincere regards,