posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 06:18 PM
Thank you for the support and replies.
The Codex Seraphinianus is pretty amazing work, thanks for the reference Skunkape, I was influenced by the earlier technical drawings of life on earth
I guess. Some of the very first drawings of birds of paradise and orchids are so surreal they dont seem real.
I think I will still need a small degree of luck as Seattle just doesn't have the gallery scene to support all the artists here, yet we do have other
resources, like artist grants and nonprofit orgs and rent controlled artist lofts/studios.
Even though Ive painted for a long time, I'm new to the artist's working world; networking and finding galleries and such.
This series is loaded in my car and I'm hanging it at the gallery tonight, and I couldn't be more excited!
Thank you all for the kind words and input!