posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 09:06 PM
As much as I dislike the smugness and unapproachable attitude of the president and his cronies, I have also come to have much the same reaction when I
see Boehner. He also seems to exhibit an aura of arrogance so pervasive that we know he will do whatever it takes to get it his way, and forget
what's right or wrong. Being a conservative myself, I worry the headlock he has on congress through his policies of non-negotiation and refusal to
allow voting on major legislation will fuel anti-GOP sentiment, and perhaps rightfully so.
I worry that he single handedly could give those needed "up for grabs" mid-term election seats right back to the democrats meaning at least two
more years of exactly what we have now. Of course, I know if Republicans take control of both houses then Obama will stop progress with his pen of
many colors (executive orders/veto), but at least there might be some hope of something getting done.
We probably have the most impotent government in US history at the moment. Is Boehner's stance good or bad for the overall situation?