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Australian Yowie

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posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: Furryhobnob

I agree, i suppose the lack of media about the Yowie keeps it secret to most out of Aus and even to some inside Aus. Not to mention most the people who encounter them (truckies and outdoorsmen) aren't the type to take a picture as first instinct, let alone a good picture

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 06:55 AM
locals talk of large hairy creatures around here in the hills on the nsw /queensland border...not sure i believe it,but in the same token there is no way that i would spend time to find out...there is a lot of bush and as others have mentioned a lot of untouched land and it would be very possible for something to be lurking

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
locals talk of large hairy creatures around here in the hills on the nsw /queensland border...not sure i believe it,but in the same token there is no way that i would spend time to find out...there is a lot of bush and as others have mentioned a lot of untouched land and it would be very possible for something to be lurking

I can kind of vouch for that. We were travelling through the ranges just south of Stanthorpe, QLD about six months ago just as dawn was breaking. My daughter all of a sudden yelled "Mum, look!", so loud that it made me jump. I didn't actually see what she was asking me to look at, but she swears that she saw a 'gorilla' just standing up on a ridge. Even when we said "sweetie, it must have been a log or a cow or something" (how a cow would manage to navigate along the side of a ridge like that, I don't know), she was adamant it was a gorilla and said she even saw the steam coming out of it's nose. She was only 11 at the time and - while I'm sure she knew what bigfoot was - she didn't relate this to a bigfoot at all at the time. Even now, she still thinks it looked more like a gorilla (huge arms, jet black fur etc) than a yowie. Who knows, maybe an old zoo escapee?

Also, Idiosonic, bring lots of warm gear with you. I know the area well and it'll be freezing at this time of year! Good luck and definitely keep us posted

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: [post=18267376]Idiosonic[ it is quite a large nature reserve/forest my father also a trucker , found a quicker way to coona from pilliga we cut straight through the dirt track to save time .of a day the forest was beautiful but during the night my dad would fly down that dirt road doing a dollar thirty ( 130 Km ) an hour and even though we were heading home to Sydney my father and his mates had high power riffles loaded once on the out skirts of coona he and his mates would pack away there guns put there ammo back in the lock box and from there on he would do the speed limit all the way back , I never asked him why I thought it may because of in case we hit a roo , ill give him a ring tomorrow and ask why the real reason he and his mates kept there guns loaded , its funny from Sydney we lived basically 9 hours from pilliga and from were I am living now its about the same distance up in the northern rivers , and what makes the story you told so interesting to me was the sheer fact that not to long before you posted your piece , I was looking up pillaga and trying to pin point were I used to go hunting to show my kids , thanks for your thread asit has bought back some good and quite scary memories but I will save that for when I can post my first piece ( thread ) just a little hint it involved min mins.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: Idiosonic

Nice one ... I'm away to menorca fr afew weeks so we get back around the same time.
Looking forward to anything you turn up
Be safe


posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: Furryhobnob
a reply to: Idiosonic

Just curious that's all, I'd never even heard of a yowie until I joined ATS, a few people on here believe they are real though so was wondering if there was any photos of them, they sound terrifying if they are real and im sure getting your camera out to take a pic when something is throwing rocks at you is the last thing on your mind

Its interesting to note that there are Bigfoots of various types in almost all the continents.

Yowie is from Australia, Abdominal Snowman of Yemen, Sasquatch in Cali, Washington and canada, SkunkApe of florida.....

One wonders just what are they? Could they be remnants of the past? masters of the wild? capable of evading even our beat technology?
IMHO, these beings are intelligent. They have ways of evading us and prolly live by a strict set of rules. Its like they know what, who we Humans are and leave no trace evidence behind that would lead to their discovery. I think one day, they will make a fatal mistake that will lead to one of its kind captured or killed.

I would Google "Yowie" and read the stories, you'll be surprised at what you see.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 01:39 AM
how did your investigation go , I have been given permission to talk to you all about the smaller version of the hairy man , my mate didn't realize that yowies came in a smaller form . once talking to him about the hairy man , he said there not yowies , I said to the average person that's what they are , he gave me permission to talk and write about them that's all ive been waiting for the permission of the custodions of the land . were im from you know when your near as the smell is like that of rotten eggs, or just like pure straight ammonia they stink and the truth is that these smaller hairy men are quite friendly if they trust you . one of the brothers in the clan has multiple personalities , one of them is the hairy man , when in this personality one hairy man follows him around ive seen it and at first I was scared , the brothers say to him that if he goes into that personality that he is not aloud at their house , as when the hairy man is around mischief is abundant but at the same time they keep the bigger ones away , if no one believes me feel free to come and camp on their land.

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