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Israel Humiliates NWO Globalist Mandarin John Kerry

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posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 10:37 PM
US fuming over Israeli criticism of Kerry

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration pushed back strongly Monday at a torrent of Israeli criticism over Secretary of State John Kerry's latest bid to secure a cease-fire with Hamas, accusing some in Israel of launching a "misinformation campaign" against the top American diplomat. "It's simply not the way partners and allies treat each other," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Israel, after humiliating the US secretary of State who is gallivanting around the Mideast trying to bring a cease fire to the wretched war in GAZA was mocked, called a terrorist supporter and other calumnies in the Israel fascist press, before finally the Israel official statement that they love and are grateful to America for its support was later forthcoming from the Netanyahu regime. Of course this after the many humiliating stories mocking Kerry in the Israeli press. (AFP) -- Israel's defense minister has lashed at US Secretary of State John Kerry, saying a security plan he presented is "not worth the paper it was written on," an Israeli newspaper reported Tuesday. "The American plan for security arrangements that was shown to us... provides neither security nor peace," Moshe Yaalon was quoted by Yediot Aharonot as saying. The plan "isn't worth the paper it was written on," Yaalon reportedly said in private conversations with Israeli officials, accusing Kerry of being naive and implying that he is a nuisance.”

“The Secretary of State has fallen prey to an ongoing series of mishaps, faux pas and other unfortunate events, begging the critical question: has he become a nebbish? They begin by reporting with delight and contempt that “too many participants in the cabinet meeting that was taking place in Tel Aviv were eager to tell the media about the explicit and resounding "no" with which the Israeli ministers had unanimously responded to Kerry’s offer.”

But is this global dis by the Israelis to the Skull n Bones honcho John Kerry a cause for the powerful globalist behind Kerry to be peeved at the ingrate Israel? And will they slap their petulant puppy Israel in some surreptitious way?

Likely not.

Though understand that often the world pays a price for not letting the globalist get their way such as in Iraq where cleary since they couldn’t get their war in Syria, they turned their madmen of ISIS on the world in IRAQ as a punishment for the US people ( doing a rare thing) refuting their Syria adventure.

Ultimately Israel has nothing to fear as long as the US congress is still in their pocket…that is their back pocket as they all together suck the hind part of Israel, both conservatives and liberals.

The US congress is the lowest group of humans on the face of the earth and their absolute support of Israel is manifestly testimony to their loathsomeness.

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 10:51 PM
To be fair...Kerry is pretty easy to mock.

I am sure he has been called worse. Probably right here on ATS.

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 11:03 PM
Through deception we shall wage war is not only Israel's motto, it is also America's.

I do not buy for a second that there is anything that is happening that does not have the agreement of all involved in the upper eschelons.

The letter from pike to mazzini, I get that it has been debunked and all that jazz however, whomever actually put the thing together, maybe it was not pike, but someone else in the know for history has proven it eerily accurate. Perhaps we are getting ready to see the sacrafice of Israel as well as Muslim world.

edit on America/ChicagoWednesdayAmerica/Chicago07America/Chicago731amWednesday12 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: elementalgrove

Exactly - This is another way to keep the "Divide and Conquer" game rolling along in the USA. The whole social media debate about Israel/Palestine has turned into a Left vs Right Hate-Fest.

It's easier for the Masters to control a populace that is Fighting Among themselves, than a United Population.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 12:02 AM
The guys a schmuck..... whats not to mock... eh?
Kerry is a simpleton it would seem....he must have inherited ........

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 12:03 AM
Does anybody wonder why Kerry is being insulted? Why Israel is upset?

To the “horror” of the Israeli ministers, the Kerry proposal accepted Hamas’s demands for the opening of border crossings into Gaza — where Israel and Egypt fear the import of weaponry; the construction of a seaport; and the creation of a post-conflict funding channel for Hamas from Qatar and other countries, according to the sources. The proposal, meanwhile, did not even provide for Israel to continue demolishing the Hamas network of “terror tunnels” dug under the Israeli border.

Israel was also fuming Saturday over the tactics followed by Secretary Kerry since Friday night in his ceasefire quest.

Kerry flew to Paris and held talks Saturday without representatives of Israel, the Palestinian Authority or Egypt, but with Qatar and Turkey, which Israel’s Communications Minister Gilad Erdan said showed “we’re a long way from a political solution.”

Privately, Israeli sources signaled deep dismay that Kerry engaged in the talks in Paris with representatives of Turkey, whose leadership is openly hostile to Israel, and Qatar, whose leadership is seen by Israel to be representing Hamas’s interests. Egypt was also understood to be deeply dissatisfied with Kerry’s tactics.

Israeli government sources also privately contradicted Kerry’s assertion Friday that his ceasefire proposal was “built on” the Egyptian proposal from last Tuesday. Far from resembling the Egyptian proposal, which urges an immediate ceasefire followed by negotiation, the Kerry proposal leans heavily toward Hamas, the sources said, in tying Hamas preconditions to a cessation of hostilities.

An Army Radio report on Friday night highlighted that the US on Monday signed an $11 billion arms deal with Qatar, and noted that Qatar is championing Hamas’s demands in the ceasefire negotiations, and is also alleged by Israel to be financing Hamas’s rocket production, tunnel digging infrastructure, and other elements of its military infrastructure.

Israel’s relations with Kerry, strained for a long time, were not helped when he was caught on a hot-mic earlier this week apparently sneering at Israel’s insistence that it is trying to tackle Hamas terror targets in Gaza with “pinpoint” accuracy.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: charles1952

I agree. Qatar was a backer of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, is a backer of Hamas and supposedly, ISIS from what I have read.
They are "not" our allies, they have their own agenda.
I wouldn't be funneling them 11 BILLION in arms, that's for sure.

Rewarding Hamas for their continued belligerence is par for the course for the Obama Administration.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: pavil
a reply to: charles1952

I agree. Qatar was a backer of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, is a backer of Hamas and supposedly, ISIS from what I have read.
They are "not" our allies, they have their own agenda.
I wouldn't be funneling them 11 BILLION in arms, that's for sure.

Rewarding Hamas for their continued belligerence is par for the course for the Obama Administration.

that's where he sent the bergdahl 5.

imagine that.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: Willtell

Israel is probably right this time. The progressive mind is like a paper bag floating in the wind. Imagine that mindset trying to figure out life and death issues.......Not happening. Pie in the sky leprechauns pooping rainbows.

Don't get me wrong I think Israel is a PR nightmare at the moment. But I would not want a weak minded liberal progressive making security decisions........Ah crap I live in the US. Just look at how well they handle embassies.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 12:52 AM
I don't like Kerry as much as the next guy, but i have to give him credit for trying.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 12:56 AM
why doesn't america just say
# YOU when Israel #s all over them
i guess all the neocons would be angry about us actually standing up to them though

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: daaskapital

But he's not trying. He is basically disregarding Egypt and Israels security views. It's a non starter from the people who can stop this. What his plan does is meet all of Hamas ' demands, not surprising.

Israel might as well continue to dismantle Hamas than cave into a ceasefire keeps Hamas a player. They (Hamas) can be weakened to a point where the PA is the dominant player in Gaza again. Everyone seems to forget Hamas forcibly seized power from the PA in Gaza in a mini civil war.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 01:56 PM
Herman Munster....AHEM, I mean, John Kerry and Israel are just acting on the world stage. They are all closely tied together and part of the same terrorist organization. Kerry is a puppet of Israel like the many other US congress members. The banks/federal reserve own these clowns.
edit on 30-7-2014 by Fylgje because: to add

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 02:05 PM
Kerry didn't try, when you don't include one side of the conflict or a couple of the immediate neighbors that share the same concerns of the side that was not there... your not trying to find a peace agreement its a dog and pony show.

Kerry is and always was a tool, any mocking he receives he richly deserves.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: Willtell
Why should they be? The US sure as hell hasn't treated Isreal as an ally

Ps....Kerry is a joke
edit on 7/30/2014 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 02:17 PM
From a NWO conspiracy perspective, or even straight up US political dynamics, it may all be a ruse. This supposed Israeli, American, slight rupture.

It doesn’t really matter as long as the US congress, the lackeys of AIPAC, will kiss the behind of Israel so succinctly all the time.

This little Obama/Kerry/Israel spat likely is just BS.

The key though is that while Kerry does look like a fool he is still a Skull n Bones guy, so don’t think he is any ones fool…and that the sinister elite behind him aren’t very powerful.

The question is will they retaliate against Israel for making a fool of Kerry?

Though Israel is their little bulldog puppy, mascot it still is just that; a little bull dog puppy in the larger scheme of things.

They just might slap Israel a little bit, but I doubt it comes too much since the elite will never really punish Israel enough as Karma dictates they will eventually taste.

What they might do is get a deal with Iran as punishment to Israel...maybe

edit on 30-7-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Are you kidding? If it weren’t for the US Israel likely wouldn’t exist.

They have given them 121 billion dollars in aid alone.

And ALL their weapons as well sat by while they highjacked US nuclear secrets.

Israel is virtually the 51st US state.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Are you kidding? If it weren’t for the US Israel likely wouldn’t exist.

They have given them 121 billion dollars in aid alone.

And ALL their weapons as well sat by while they highjacked US nuclear secrets.

Israel is virtually the 51st US state.

I absolutely agree we have given them large amounts of money over the years, but weve also given money to many other nations that are NOT our allies.........

If sending millions and millions of dollars makes you an ally then I guess were allies with Palestine too, because we recently sent them 400 million dollars as well.....

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Are you kidding? If it weren’t for the US Israel likely wouldn’t exist.

They have given them 121 billion dollars in aid alone.

And they've given $72 billion to Egypt.

But the big question is why wouldn't Israel exist without the US? The answer, obviously, is that all of those "religion of peace" countries around it would have overrun and destroyed the only democracy in the Mid-east.

This shows us that these Islamic countries are bent on the destruction of Israel and have been from the day the country began. It seems that those are the countries that are interested in genocide and war crimes, not Israel.

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: charles1952

Its seems that Israel is doing all the killing
It’s clear that Israel is committing conscious murder in GAZA.
It’s a sure tactic of blood lust killing by the Zionist fascist government.

It’s so certain that even a conservative commentator ex-congressman like Joe Scarborough condemns Israel for this genocidal operation in GAZA.

“This continued killing of women and children in a way that appears to be indiscriminate is asinine," he said, adding, "The United States of America, we cannot be associated with this if this continues. This is so bad, not only for the Israeli people, but for us."

As for your point that Arab countries tried to destroy Israel, so what, it’s an imposed country stolen from the Arabs…it’s their right to try to take it back.

How do you think the US does when similar things happens to them

Israel is a colonial possession the same way the US stole this country from the Native Americans.

European Jews this time are the thieves!

edit on 31-7-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

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