posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 12:28 PM
So your saying there is a god. A god who loves boomsticks and dead deadites as much as I do...........
I am surprised this does not happen more often these days. With all the options available for TV shows. Besides all the cable channels out there now.
You have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Xbox, plus more I probably do not know about getting in the game. Then you have things like Kickstarter and Indiegogo.
There is absolutely no reason not to make shows like this.
The old model of TV making is outdated. Anything with a fan base has a chance to succeed. You no longer have to only make shows some old rich guy
producers approve of and understand and that need that advertisement commercial dollars. The door should be wide open for shows that were canceled to
soon or are considered to risky. Or continuations of movie franchises that do not appeal to that mythical target audience that all movies are made to
appeal to these days.