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Teachers Dead, No Exams (Ebola Update)

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posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 02:13 PM
With 12 teachers dead from Ebola in Kailahun, Sierra Leone, there’s no date set for students to write Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE). Also, the Ministry of Education says the government needs 4000 teachers but has only recruited 1600. American students might be ecstatic about such a reprieve but this is a serious setback for Africa.

Our hearts go out to all the dead and dying.

Sierra Leone News : Ebola Kills 12 Kailahun Teachers

The Public Relations Officer in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Mr. Brima Turay has on Thursday 24th July, at the government weekly press briefing hosted in the Conference Room of the Ministry of Information & Communication, told newsmen that twelve (12) teachers have died from Ebola in Kailahun.

He informed that there’s still no definite date for pupils to write Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE).

Mr. Brima Turay said 11 out of the 14 chiefdoms in the Kailahun District are affected by Ebola. He said chiefs of remaining three chiefdoms of Malema, Yawei and Peje West, take proactive actions of stopping folks from affected chiefdoms from entering their lands. He said this has saved those 3 chiefdoms.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 09:29 PM

Dr. Rauni Kilde on Mind Control Weapons

Depopulation and Murder in my opinion and they can target the group they want, fine tune any genetics.

To me this is murder 1.

And unless people outcry and really get mad and start to stop it, it just gets worse, escalates with the consequence and karma of not being responsible humans and connecting dots and seeing clearly, that the top 85 people are doing it all.

Not a single illness lifts off anywhere without their stamped approval and orders.
edit on 25-7-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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