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The brutal Obama policy that's really driving the Border Crisis

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posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 03:11 PM
This article exposes yet another immigration "policy" that apparently went into the ICE regulation books in August 2013.

The focus is on the family and the children of mostly illegal immigrants.

It basically says ICE agents "can't" deport, arrest or detain any illegal immigrant who is the caretaker of a child. "Proof" of who and who isn't a legitimate "Caretaker" is thin.

Opened the door even wider for smuggling and and a host of other illegal activities.

It's a list of directives called the Family Interest Directive (August 2013)

Adds to the growing list of selective enforcement and prosecutorial discretion and consent etc. etc.

I don't think this is legislation?

The article eludes to some profit motives as well.

A pernicious, little-known Obama administration policy – one that that incentivizes adult illegal immigrants to use children as human shields to escape arrest and deportation at the border – largely has escaped the media’s notice.

This same policy is driving the historic surge of children at the border, as everyone from coyotes to illegal immigrant adults already in America seeks to use children to guarantee their safe passage into the country, or to protect them from deportation if they are illegally living here.

What's the point ?

The brutal Obama policy that's really driving the Border Crisis

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 03:29 PM

This same policy is driving the historic surge of children at the border, as everyone from coyotes to illegal immigrant adults already in America seeks to use children to guarantee their safe passage into the country, or to protect them from deportation if they are illegally living here.

Woo hoo !

Give me your tired, your poor, your anchor babies !

Kids not need to be your own!

Hip Hip hoorah for the Law twister in Chief.


edit on 21-7-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: xuenchen
How is it that illegal immigrants know the loop holes of the law that obozo signs in when most Americans don't.
Is there a way deport obozo back to Kenya and the illegals back to Mexico where they came from.

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: irgust
a reply to: xuenchen
How is it that illegal immigrants know the loop holes of the law that obozo signs in when most Americans don't.
Is there a way deport obozo back to Kenya and the illegals back to Mexico where they came from.

The "illegals" get inside info that we don't.

And they get it first, we get it second or not at all.

[ and Obama was born in Indonesia ] [imo based on logical deductive reasoning and visual evidence]

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: irgust
a reply to: xuenchen
How is it that illegal immigrants know the loop holes of the law that obozo signs in when most Americans don't.
Is there a way deport obozo back to Kenya and the illegals back to Mexico where they came from.

They are probably dropping leaflets and pamphets from unmarked CIA planes in central and south america that explain the laws in two or three different languages?

I'll take the C, Alex, for 1000 dollars, and solve with "Corruption."

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I read through it, I couldn't find which part was 'brutal', could you expand on that? It seems pretty humane and not too terrible of a policy.

I don't see why you'd be opposed to it.

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: links234

If a citizen bank robber was separated from his kids, no one would care. An illegal who breaks the law gets rewarded just because he has kids? That's not right. The illegal parents chose to break the law and come here illegally. If they are separated from their kids it's their own fault.

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: links234
a reply to: xuenchen

I read through it, I couldn't find which part was 'brutal', could you expand on that? It seems pretty humane and not too terrible of a policy.

I don't see why you'd be opposed to it.

One "brutality" is the fact that many of these "relaxed" enforcement policies are not law.

The Administration keeps selecting which laws to follow and which ones to not follow and in fact may be breaking.

I hope you realize how dangerous this is.

Dangerous because of criminals smuggling themselves and contraband in, and dangerous because of how the Government is forming policies that may be unlawful.

Illegal immigrants have caused much death and destruction and injury to U.S. Citizens.

That's what's 'brutal' IMO.

added; maybe somebody can justify this...
4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens

edit on Jul-21-2014 by xuenchen because:

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 05:42 PM
So glad some are staying on top of this illegal immigrant influx. I skimmed the Directive and will re-read it tonight when I have more time.

I have a couple of questions and/or observations.
#1 - How does ICE or anybody else know if the person claiming to be a child's parent is actually the parent? I wouldn't think they are bringing birth certificates with them, but maybe.

#2 - Look at 6. on the Directive. It states: 6. Recordkeeping. None
What? No records are being kept? It boggles the mind?

#3 - This was in August of last year. They knew they were coming. As I said, these things do not happen overnight.

Children are being used all over the world to tug at people's heartstrings to affect a particular ideological or political outcome: pictures of children in Gaza suffering because Hamas is using them as human shields, the emphasis on the children that were on MH17, the children coming across the border. It is disgusting and tends to influence popular thinking when the focus is directed at "the children".
edit on 21-7-2014 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

I have a couple of questions and/or observations.
#1 - How does ICE or anybody else know if the person claiming to be a child's parent is actually the parent? I wouldn't think they are bringing birth certificates with them, but maybe.

#2 - Look at 6. on the Directive. It states: 6. Recordkeeping. None
What? No records are being kept? It boggles the mind?

Now we see how the Administration is clever.

All goes back to the abused "Prosecutorial Discretion".

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

32,000 people died in 2010 from firearms. When are you going to make a thread about the justification of that brutal statistic?

I'm still not opposed to the policy. I don't really see why I should be. I am opposed to demanding we follow the law while also demanding we just send them back without a required by law.

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: links234
a reply to: xuenchen

32,000 people died in 2010 from firearms. When are you going to make a thread about the justification of that brutal statistic?

I'm still not opposed to the policy. I don't really see why I should be. I am opposed to demanding we follow the law while also demanding we just send them back without a required by law.

Criminals are criminals.

Illegal immigrants just might be responsible for many of those gun deaths ?

How do you feel about that?

For some reason, you seem to support criminal activity.

Very Odd indeed.

And keep in mind that many if not most "illegals" released pending a "hearing" won't show up in court.

The "Court" and "Legal" process starts with the restrictions imposed upon the border agents.

Now What?

More selective enforcement and prosecutorial discretion as usual.

One of these days, the Obama supporters will get the rude awakening.

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: irgust
a reply to: xuenchen
How is it that illegal immigrants know the loop holes of the law that obozo signs in when most Americans don't.
Is there a way deport obozo back to Kenya and the illegals back to Mexico where they came from.

Illegal immigrants know the loop holes in the laws because right wing media makes sure EVERYONE knows the holes in the laws.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:51 AM
Now they are releasing all pregnant women, even if they just say they are pregnant. More anchor babies and freebies!

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 06:09 AM
The US has been sold off to the highest bidder it seems like, piece by piece. Just that someone in the government forgot to tell the rest of us.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: ArtemisE

Ignorance as a defense? There's a new one, especially on a site whose motto is supposed to be "Deny Ignorance."

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