posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 01:23 AM
originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: ChaosComplex
You're nit picking it to death if I may say so. The OP doesn't strike me as a hoaxer and has participated in his own thread. Go take a smoke in
the bathroom and turn on the fan, see if you can reproduce it.
Of course you can say so, this is the internet. Anyone can say whatever they want. I'm a non-smoker though, so I don't have the materials required
to test the 'cig smoke' hypothesis. Unfortunately, my bathrooms also lack vent fans, and I'm a fan of Mexican food...I'll let you do the math on
that one
Nitpicking isn't the word I would choose, I would say I am just following up on a communication with the OP. When I say 'lack of response' it also
refers to the lack of OP returning and just saying "Sorry guys, don't have the videos." or something similar. To that I would have possibly
suggested that OP maybe shoot a few new test vids, if they were interested in continuing the conversation (debate, whatever). If not, I would have
made a stupid comment and bowed out of the thread. Simple as that.
If you read one of my last posts in this thread, I have an interest in the paranormal and experience with examining video, audio, and still
photographs relating to the phenomenon. I have spent many long nights staring at a screen watching footage from our CCTV that we brought to every
location, listening to attempted EVP sessions we conducted (sometimes multiple recorders with 8+ hours of audio on each), and doing countless
filtering/enhancements to photos searching for anything we may have caught on our 'hunts'. This wasn't just some people getting together and
looking for ghosts, this was a real operation, with real equipment, and real curiosity, investigating anything from old-school saloons out in the
desert to Joe Blow calling us and asking us to come check out their house/property.
I was honestly hoping for further participation from the OP. Actions (or in this case, lack of action) generally speak louder than words.