posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 07:30 AM
More then 300 confirmed exoplanets have been found so far. Now, if astronomers have to name new objects there's a common way to do that. Usually an
exoplanet is just named after the star(-system) together with an additional letter like
Gliese 581 b.
Of course such names aren't very handy, even for astronomers themselfs (i guess
Now the International Astronomical Union has announced a procedure to name 305 already found and confirmed exoplanets.
Here's the link:
I don't want to go into detail about the whole process and the rules etc. . Everyone can read them up there. Just a quick info about, who actually is
allowed to be involved in the process:
To submit your suggestions you need to belong to
public astronomical organisations (such as Planetariums, Science Centres, Amateur Astronomy Clubs, Online Astronomy platforms) or non-profit
astronomy-interested organisations (such as High schools, Cultural clubs) with a proven interest in astronomy, (hereafter "organisations" for short)
based in any country,
However, if you don't belong to any group matching the above quoted criterica you can at least (as individual) vote for the names, that were
suggested, later on.
I bet there will be (again) many names belonging to old greek gods but i hope there also will be some new and creative ones.
Last but least a question to you guys:
Since we don't know much about all these exoplanets yet, beside some basic info, would you name them in a rather classical way or do you have
something different in mind for worlds, we don't even know how they will look?
edit on 17-7-2014 by Tichy because: (no reason given)