posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 01:08 PM
I had a crazy, idealistic notion that's been marinating in my imagination for a few years. A few months back I tried to summon it into a linear
thought-form in case I won the lottery and could actually give it a try. Its my attempt at a new type of society (or, New World Order) where there
is a system to take care of the essentials (home, food, clothing, etc) while still providing an opportunity to pursue invention/education/etc. I
started writing a draft of a "Constitution" of sorts to protect it from corruption and called it "The Barter Corporation". Below is the first
couple paragraphs.
The purpose of the Barter Corporation is to create a lifestyle for its employees full of meaning, passion, happiness and growth while providing the
resources for them to maintain the essentials of a quality existence including a home, food, and individual growth.
It pursues this purpose by operating an interconnected network of small and medium sized businesses, run locally by owner-employees using
franchise-type best practices and controls, with equal sharing of risk and profits across all owner-employees. The goal is not a huge monolithic
corporation, but instead a vast collection of tiny businesses working together in an all-encompassing collective.
Longer term strategies include viral expansion into communities through startups, mergers and acquisitions to strengthen the network until all
essential products and services are covered.
The mission of the Barter Corporation is to create a new global corporate ecosystem deeply integrated in each local community where the essentials for
a human to thrive are provided at their costs and not a premium. Where there is better equality between people while still having a vertical
hierarchy that separates roles, scope and compensation to inspire individual growth. Where each employee is an owner who can influence the company
while recognizing their contributions to others.
The Barter Corporation is not a ‘get rich’ company, but instead an organization intended to obtain enough revenue to sustain operating costs,
provide fair salaries for employees, and maintain a buffer for unplanned expenses and calculated growth. Goods and services therefor do not have to
be priced with a necessity to obtain ‘record profits’. This operating principle will be baked into the marketing and brand of the company so
that customers will know without a doubt that they are not being gouged, and that their money is flowing back into their community.
Within the Barter Corporation there are two types of businesses, a primary business and supporting business. Each type offer products and services
internally to other Barter businesses and employees at cost, and externally to the public with margin. The difference is that a primary business
needs to run at a profit while a supporting business can operate at a loss providing that the products or services offered internally are deemed
essential and the loss is offset by the overall profit of the corporation as a whole.
Products and services consumed by businesses within the Barter Corporation must be sourced internally whenever possible and practical. For example,
if a ‘Barter Real Estate Office’ require their offices to be cleaned and there is a ‘Barter Cleaning Business’, that service will be used
first and at cost before adding new positions or obtaining external services. How supporting businesses or external services are being leveraged
will be closely monitored to determine opportunities for expansion or recruiting as part of the natural ecosystem.
During the growth of the Barter Corporation, there will be times when revenues are challenged and owner-employees will need to adapt and accept
concessions for the greater good of the corporation. Regular meetings will occur to review costs and revenues and from those meetings decisions will
be made on the future strategy of the company.
If total operating costs exceed total operating revenues the following initiatives will be considered in this order:
Expansion into new primary business goods or services or markets.
Enhancement of existing goods or services.
Reduction of operating materials for each business.
Salary reductions starting with those salaries highest from their local CPI/CoL index baselines and working down to salaries closest to the local
Reduction of owner-employees and non-profitable Barter Corporation businesses.
Operating policies and procedures are designed to give every owner-employee accountability, influence and a direct connection to the results of their
efforts. If an owner-employee ever feels the system is too large for their voice to have influence or too complex for them to understand its
workings, the system has failed. No policy should ever be erected which conceals parts of operation. Every component of operations must be
traceable, auditable and changeable by default or when the appropriate appeal/reveal process is invoked.
An environment will be nurtured where employment-ownership with the Barter Corporation is considered a golden ticket for a quality life regardless of
the position such that a university graduate is encouraged to apply for an entry level position.
Each business and the corporation itself operate under a hierarchy, with appropriate roles and accountability per position. All positions are filled
by internal applicants or nominees, promoting internal development, except where a specific certification or degree is legally required. Preference
will be given to candidates as follows: 1) within the same business, 2) within other local Barter businesses, 3) within the greater Barter
Corporation, 4) external applicants.
During the interview process the applicant or nominee’s previous performance record, their skill and experience, and their career goals and
intentions will be reviewed. Candidate selection will be made by: 1) full Corporation election, 2) a delegate panel, 3) Individual management.
Which selection process applies per position will be decided through collaborative process involving the entire company, and it will be reviewed
during cyclical checks and balances.
Performance management will also review the owner-employee’s current and previous performance record, their skill and experience, and their career
goals and intentions. Performance per role is measured using predetermined criteria and the results will be transparent and available for review
across the enterprise. Final assessment will be made by: 1) full Corporation poll, 2) a delegate panel, 3) Individual management. Which
assessment entity applies per position will be decided through collaborative process involving the entire company, and it will be reviewed during
cyclical checks and balances.
A document identifying the requirements and skills of every position in the company will be maintained and updated with actual information as a
requirement of the performance cycle. This document will also include the value that this position brings to the success of the local business, or
the corporation itself so that each person understands how they are contributing to the success of the organization. Associated to each of those
documents will be a training aid that identifies courses, supporting programs, financial assistance opportunities, etc that could be utilized to
eventually obtain that position.