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So this just happened....

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posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:51 PM

originally posted by: skunkape23

originally posted by: Expat888
a reply to: mblahnikluver

try leaving a few candies for it ..

Some cultures in South America leave a pouch of tobacco and a little liquor out for them.

LOL well that is an interesting one. Not sure I have either in the house. I wonder if they'd settle for cookies and milk

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I actually tested this hypothesis because my granddaughter was having weird dreams when her head was north and they quit when we changed the bed around...right away. So I did some moving of the bed and checked it out. More lucid dreams seem to occur with a north head. I tried to not believe it but every time the same results happened, even though I thought it couldn't be true. I guess I was wrong for initially discounting it. I even evaluated heat ducts, electrical wiring, and possible light influences. Those weren't pertinent to the dream changes. I even switched over a couple of times in the night, it was pretty evident that something was going on.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 10:16 PM
I would rather think that your son had a nice encounter with some ET folks rather than some dark spirit characters that would cause him harm. --His laughing is an indication.

You seem to be above average in your writing skills so I assume that you are above average in intelligence and being connected somewhat to ATS, you know the general situation with the ETs that goes beyond mere sightings of lights in the sky. So connect the dots with what we know to be present and real.

By chance or by prior selection (perhaps through you) he has been visited and given help in eventually questioning his lot as a typical human the same as everyone else. The visits may continue or they may not depending upon what has been discovered first hand about him from their visit(s).

If he has been selected for "schooling," you can expect him to be intelligent also, perhaps puzzling so beyond his years. As he matures, his view on reality may make him a rebel to the status quo of everything and cause much anguish on your part. Or he may take the high road and become a person hating no one, fearing no one and harming no one. The epitome of Buddha in a modern form including the lack of attachment to person or object.

Either way or somewhere in between, he is part of the new breed that seems to be emerging across this country if not the world. As a parent in this rapidly changing world, your job is cut out for you. Good luck to him and you.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 10:16 PM

About 5 mths or so ago I had an experience with a dark figure in my room. I wasn't asleep yet and I was facing the window in my room. I rolled over and there was a dark shadow figure standing right by my bedroom door. I screamed but couldn't move.

sounds like sleep paralysis to me....

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: defcon5

originally posted by: mblahnikluver
I open it and the LIGHT IS ON!! The switch is in the "up" position and the light is on.

Now before this I was getting this odd smell like something cooking or smokey like.

I'd be more concerned that something electrical is going on.
If you are using a new florescent bulb in an old fixture, it can turn on. It can also cause a burning smell. Also, if you didn't switch the light all the way off, the rocker can spring back into the on position sometimes hours later. I would definitely look for the source of the burning though, and I'd make sure your fire alarms are in working order to be on the safe side. Always eliminate the obvious and mundane before jumping into the paranormal.

100% agree. Something unexpected with lighting + "cooking or smokey like" smell sounds an awful lot like an electrical issue. If you said rotted meat or flowers or something that might have sounded more paranormal.

Of course...

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I haven't read the thread, only the opening post, so don't know if this idea has been offered already. Sorry.

Visitors follow gene lines. I had quite a few encounters while growing up, and so did my daughter when she was young. Children see very well what we no longer see.

Think back to your childhood, what was there that may link up with this experience now ?

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 06:58 AM
It is said that Pre and Post Pregnancy can result in increased paranormal activity.
Pregnant women have such a high increase in hormones that the energy around them is drastically increased. All of their senses are heightened, sense of smell, touch, and taste. Also sense of intuition...

We also hear that children see more because their minds have not been tainted toward not seeing things.

So it only seems natural that mother and child would experience more paranormal stuff after pregnancy.


posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I actually tested this hypothesis because my granddaughter was having weird dreams when her head was north and they quit when we changed the bed around...right away. So I did some moving of the bed and checked it out. More lucid dreams seem to occur with a north head. I tried to not believe it but every time the same results happened, even though I thought it couldn't be true. I guess I was wrong for initially discounting it. I even evaluated heat ducts, electrical wiring, and possible light influences. Those weren't pertinent to the dream changes. I even switched over a couple of times in the night, it was pretty evident that something was going on.

Wow that is interesting! I do face north myself and have quite lucid/vivid dreams. I have always had them so I don't know if they are a result of the way my head if facing or if I just experience them more than most.

Nice test though!

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: Aliensun
I would rather think that your son had a nice encounter with some ET folks rather than some dark spirit characters that would cause him harm. --His laughing is an indication.

Hey that would be ok with me. I also didn't say it was a dark spirit. I said I didn't feel threatened by whatever the presence was.

You seem to be above average in your writing skills so I assume that you are above average in intelligence and being connected somewhat to ATS, you know the general situation with the ETs that goes beyond mere sightings of lights in the sky. So connect the dots with what we know to be present and real.

Thank you I guess? I believe in aliens and other dimensional beings and spirits. It could literally have been anything. I do not know. I will do some of my own experiments and if it happens again I will get a camera to record it his room at night with. The camera I do have only allows for 2hrs of recording time so I might have to move my computer to his room one night and see if I see anything out of the norm.

By chance or by prior selection (perhaps through you) he has been visited and given help in eventually questioning his lot as a typical human the same as everyone else. The visits may continue or they may not depending upon what has been discovered first hand about him from their visit(s).

I guess anything is possible.

If he has been selected for "schooling," you can expect him to be intelligent also, perhaps puzzling so beyond his years. As he matures, his view on reality may make him a rebel to the status quo of everything and cause much anguish on your part. Or he may take the high road and become a person hating no one, fearing no one and harming no one. The epitome of Buddha in a modern form including the lack of attachment to person or object.

Ok interesting theory. Again anything is possible. I grew up with my own paranormal experiences. I never really saw what the being or entities were. I have seen shadow figures but nothing that i can make out a face on. I have questioned everything since I was little, irritated a few teachers and friends by doing so.

Either way or somewhere in between, he is part of the new breed that seems to be emerging across this country if not the world. As a parent in this rapidly changing world, your job is cut out for you. Good luck to him and you.

Thank you very much. He is my boy and will be my only child. I wasn't suppose to be able to have kids so he was definitely a surprise but a very good one. He is just the sweetest boy.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: aLLeKs

About 5 mths or so ago I had an experience with a dark figure in my room. I wasn't asleep yet and I was facing the window in my room. I rolled over and there was a dark shadow figure standing right by my bedroom door. I screamed but couldn't move.

sounds like sleep paralysis to me....

I was not asleep or even close. I was wide awake. I just turned sides in bed.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Again it is NOT electrical. Clearly you did not read where I have had the same smell in my life with previous "encounters." I have had a variety of smells before something happens. I also don't always get a smell before. I've smell floral before, rotten eggs before and had cold chills in the middle of a room go thru me.

Firestarter? Really? Seriously take your sarcasm elsewhere thanks.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Oldie48
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I haven't read the thread, only the opening post, so don't know if this idea has been offered already. Sorry.

Visitors follow gene lines. I had quite a few encounters while growing up, and so did my daughter when she was young. Children see very well what we no longer see.

Think back to your childhood, what was there that may link up with this experience now ?

I know i had experiences as a child. I don't remember when they started but I remember stuff when I was about maybe 7 or so. It was in the house I grew up in and it happened soon after we moved there.

I do remember something from when I was maybe 3-4 but it is VERY fuzzy. I literally thought I saw a cow print at my window and this may sound completely nuts but when I got older and saw the grays on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries it really creeped me out and I mean big time, because of my so called "cow" print experience as a child. Between that and a kid who pulled a prank on me when I was about 3 I was petrified of sleeping by a window, which I did until I was a teen. Lets just say I didn't sleep much.

I do remember many times having sleep paralysis and sometimes there'd be a light and then I don't remember anything. I also remember feeling like something was sitting on my chest at times. I would see shadowy figures in my room and closet, which of course scared me as a child. I did not like our closet. It had the access to the attic and well nobody went up there. We went up once and it was just very unnerving.

I remember telling my mom about my stories but she always said I was making it up or imagining it. However my Aunt tells me my mom believed me yet she doesn't tell me that. So I have no idea. I do know my mom had some experiences with spirits when she was younger and a teen. My husband use to see a girl at the end of his bed when he was little. Im not sure his age but I do know on my husbands side that his mom and sister are also very "in tune" with the paranormal.

Thanks for your reply

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: leolady

It is said that Pre and Post Pregnancy can result in increased paranormal activity.
Pregnant women have such a high increase in hormones that the energy around them is drastically increased. All of their senses are heightened, sense of smell, touch, and taste. Also sense of intuition...

We also hear that children see more because their minds have not been tainted toward not seeing things.

So it only seems natural that mother and child would experience more paranormal stuff after pregnancy.


Hello leolady! Nice to see you on here

Yes I agree! I know when I was pregnant my senses were nuts! My husband said I was like a member of the X Men team lol I did have some experiences in the place we were living in at the time. Lights going on and off, the tv came on one time in my room. It looked like something sat down on my bed because you could see the impression of the bed like when someone sits on your bed. You see the indent. I never felt threatened though. I literally would roll over and say "Im not in the mood go away." It seemed to work.

I do believe children see far more than adults for the exact reason you mention. They aren't told it's not real and part of their imagination. I do know that if my son ever tells me he sees something or someone I won't easily dismiss it. I will ask him more questions about it.

I have a friend whose daughter gets visited often by both good and bad entities. When she was pregnant with her son she was shoved up against a wall and had her necklace, a cross ripped off. She and I have always gotten along and we have similar experiences with the unexplained, but I have never had a negative experience like she has though. I know it seems to run in her family as well.

Thank you for your reply. Always nice to see you on here.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Try sleeping the other way, it doesn't mean you have to even move the bed, just switch your direction.

Maybe you should change the sheets, that toe jam smell might keep you up all night.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

I remember reading something about sleeping and the gravity causes more blood to enter certain areas of your brain causing it to be more active. I guess since oxygen travels through the bloodstream so more blood means more oxygen. So you will have dreams that are related to the left or right side of your brain and the type of thinking it controls i guess. I wonder what it would be like sleeping upside down. Your whole brain would be full of blood. That maybe a bit much. Maybe at a 20-30 degree decline? Or in an inclined position there would be less blood. I wonder what that effect would be? Less powerful dreams that are not as easy to remember? How about sleeping on your back or face down, causing the front or back of the brain to receive more blood perhaps? I guess the main division in the brain is left and right, but there ccould still be some effects.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Ah, yes there is also something about sleeping aligned with the earth's magnetic field. I've heard you are "supposed" to sleep with your head either pointed North or South, so you are "in line" with the field. I guess North could be better maybe. Maybe it depends if you are in the northern or southern hemisphere. But what about the people on or near the equator? Those poor souls must be all mixed up, lol just kidding hehe

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 08:33 AM
I have experimented, personally, with my directional orientation while sleeping. The West is the best.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: 3n19m470

I would think it would be worse to sleep with the head lower. The heavy metal molecules may pool there and that may cause problems. There are lymph ducts and nodes in our feet to allow these heavy compounds to be excreted, as long as they are not blocked. There are also some in our groins and under our armpits. Causing these to plump and stop excreting continuously is not that good of an idea.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: skunkape23

I have the feeling that the direction we sleep best at may be a personal need. When you turn around with your eyes closed and come to a stop where you feel the most comfortable, note the direction. I feel best North, my son in law constantly ended up west.

I used to be able to sense north no matter where I was, except around geomagnetic anomalies. That went away with my epilepsy, I felt lost for many years but I am used to it now pretty much. It feels weird not being able to sense north anymore.

I do not know if this has anything to do with our sleeping position though, I just knew that we could sense direction. I told my son-in-law that he can raise his left hand and it will be north. Around here there are some magnetite outcrops though, that doesn't always work well here.

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