posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 05:55 AM
HI all,
Well, overall I'm kind of new here, and after having had some serious issues on another social networking site I'm coming from,
(No, I'm not a trouble maker, I've just been wrongly accused so don't worry) decided to come here and do something that might be considered
actually 'productive' if you get my drift.
I'm also here to try and overcome my chatting 'addiction' that has proved more harmful to me than beneficial in many ways. There is only one thing
I can't get over yet...and it will take a long time to come to terms to I suppose.
Aright, enough drama now let's get to the point
First off, I'm having issues with uploading my avatar, is it because maybe it is not scaled to the specifications of 150x150? Else I've seriously no
idea why I'm having issues with this kind of thing.
Secondly, I'm a very intellectual person enjoy dialoging at length about various subjects but mostly about religion, psychology, philosophy,
politics, IT and networking security and a few others.
Other interests of mine include, anime, chess, politics, music, languages, writing and literature so yeah, I'm quite resourceful.
I do wish to make some new friends along the way, or new acquaintances if we can put it that way so long as it's all with good intents but umm hello,
it's the net, is there such a thing as 'good intents'? Not to judge you but my recent experience has changed hell a lot in my ideas and thoughts,
taught me a lot and well...I'm not hostile or anything, far from it, but I DO have a mind, I do think with my own mind and do not really like to be
persuaded otherwise unless I've a real reason to.
See you all around, I hope